The Adventures of Jimmie Dale eBook

Frank L. Packard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 616 pages of information about The Adventures of Jimmie Dale.

The Adventures of Jimmie Dale eBook

Frank L. Packard
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 616 pages of information about The Adventures of Jimmie Dale.

Once more the rush upon the door—­and Jimmie Dale, a grim, twisted smile upon his lips, emptied his revolver into the panels.  Once more they fell back—­and then there came the Skeeter’s voice, snarling like an infuriated beast: 

“He’ll get de lot of us like dis!  Cut it out!  Besides, we’ll have de bulls down here in a minute—­an’ he’s our meat, not theirs.  Dey’d be too damned soft wid him—­dey’d only send him to de chair.  Youse chase upstairs, Mose, an’ pass de word to beat it—­an’ beat it quick.  We’ll burn de skunk out—­dat’s wot.  An’ de bulls can stand alongside an’ watch, if dey likes—­but he’s our meat.”

Jimmie Dale did not dare to look at the Tocsin’s face.  Mechanically he refilled the magazine of his automatic—­and lay there, waiting.  The roar from the street grew louder.  They seemed to be fighting out there, as though an inadequate number of police were trying to disperse a mob—­and not succeeding!  Pretty soon, with the riot call in, there would probably be a battle—­for the Gray Seal!  Sublime irony!  It was death at the hands of either one!

Children whimpered on the stairs outside, men swore, women cried, feet shuffled hurriedly by as the tenement emptied.  Occasionally, a pertinent invitation to him to remain where he was, there was a vicious rip through the panel, and the drumming whir of a bullet flying through the room.  And then a curious, ominous crackling sound—­and then the smell of smoke.

Jimmie Dale stood up, his face drawn and haggard.  The tenement would go like matchwood, burn like a bonfire, with any kind of a start—­and there was no doubt about the start!  The Skeeter, the Magpie, and the rest would have seen that it had headway enough to serve their purpose before either firemen or police could thwart them.  He, Jimmie Dale, could take his choice:  walk out into a bullet, or stay there and—­he smiled miserably as his eyes fell upon the pile of Larry the Bat’s clothing on the floor.  There was no longer need to worry about its destruction—­the fire would take care of that only too well!  And then a low, bitter cry came to his lips, and he clenched his hands.  If it were only himself—­only himself!  He crossed to the Tocsin and caught her in his arms.

“Oh, my God—­Marie!” he faltered.

The cape and hood had fallen from her, and with the hood had fallen the gray-streaked hair of Silver Mag—­and now as she smiled at him it was from a face that was very beautiful and very brave and very full of tenderness.

And he held her there—­and neither spoke.

It seeped in under the threshold of the door, it came from everywhere, filling the room—­the black, strangling smoke.  Outside in the hall all was silence now—­save for that crackle of flame that grew in volume, that came now in quick, sharp reports, like revolver shots.  From out in the street swelled a cry:  “Death to the Gray Seal!” Then the clang of bells, the roar and rattle of fire apparatus, strident voices bellowing orders, and the crowd again, blood hungry:  “Death to the Gray Seal!”

Project Gutenberg
The Adventures of Jimmie Dale from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.