Eastern Shame Girl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 121 pages of information about Eastern Shame Girl.

Eastern Shame Girl eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 121 pages of information about Eastern Shame Girl.

“At least, can I see the invalid?”

“He has just taken a drug and is asleep.  Besides, I have told you that he has caught cold.  Are you trying to insult me by expressing a wish to prove my words?”

“If the matter stands thus,” the nurse politely made haste to answer, “it only remains for me to withdraw.”

“You cannot go in this way.  You have not even taken a cup of tea.  If you please, let us go into the new room, for my house is all in disorder.”

On entering, the nurse observed the excellent arrangement of the young couple’s apartment.

“Everything is ready, as you see,” said the wife of Liu.  “And if my son is not quite recovered after the ceremony, I shall take care of him in my pavilion, until he is able to embark upon his conjugal life.”

Having taken tea, the nurse at last arose and went away.  On her return she recounted to her master and mistress what had taken place, and Sun and his wife found themselves in a difficult dilemma.  They could not think of allowing their daughter to ruin her life by entering of her betrothed, if he were going to die, and, if the young man were not seriously ill, they stood the risk of losing all their preparation, and of giving occasion for slander.  Suddenly their son Yu-lang, who was present, said: 

“If they have not allowed him to be seen, it means that he is seriously ill.  There is no way by which we can go back on our contract; and yet we cannot send my sister to her ruin in this fashion.  I have a plan, and you must tell me what you think of it.  Let us send the go-between to advise Liu that the marriage will take place on the appointed day, but that the bride’s equipment will not be sent until after her husband’s recovery.  I am sure that they will reject this offer, and then we shall have a good excuse for throwing the blame on them.”

“But what if they should agree,” objected his parents, after a moment’s reflection.

“They will certainly not agree, or else they would have postponed the marriage.  Besides, it is impossible that they should be willing to have another mouth to feed, without any dowry or plenishing.”

His father said: 

“Very well, if by any chance they do agree, you shall disguise yourself as a woman and go in your sister’s place.  You could take a man’s clothing with you, and put it on if the sick youth recovered, or matters seemed to take an unfortunate turn.  They would not dare to say anything for fear of being ridiculed.”

“Oh! that is impossible!” cried the young man.  “In the first place I would be discovered at once.  And what would people say of me afterwards?”

“They would say that you had played a trick on these people, and that is all.  You are still in the freshness of youth.  You are sufficiently like your sister to deceive those who do not know you very well, especially in a wedding garment.  You must do it.  That is decided.  The nurse can go with you to arrange your hair....  And in this way, if our son-in-law dies, Liu will have neither my daughter nor her equipment.”

Project Gutenberg
Eastern Shame Girl from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.