Lighted to Lighten: the Hope of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Lighted to Lighten.

Lighted to Lighten: the Hope of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 143 pages of information about Lighted to Lighten.

Death rates of infants,

Debt and dowry system,

Dissecting room at Vellore,

Doctor, when the, passes;
  where no, passes,

Doctors for hospitals,

Dowry, married without,

Dowry system,

Drama at Madras Christian

Dramatic Society,



Early rising,

“Earth-thou-art, Mrs.,”

East, gifts of, to West;
  to West, adjustments
  required for change from,

Education, gift of Christ;
  proved that Indian girls
  can receive; of Indian
  girl; for girls; Hindu
  or Christian; an instrument
  to break down
  seclusion of the zenanas;
  college, and leadership;
  college, and motherhood;
  and early marriage;
  and child widows;
  and world peace;
  “triangular alliance” in;
  Christian unity in; college,
  for Indian girls justified;
  missions can not
  long meet demand for;
  Christian, Indian men
  testify to value of, See

Educated classes of India, to
  meet needs of, demands
  college education,

England, students continue
  studies in,

English, conquest of, the big
  job at high school,

Examination papers of students,

Fellowship, American, at Lal

Findley, Dr.,

“Flivver,” an Indian,

Folk-lore, woman in;
  woman heroine of,

Ford, the, in a new capacity,

Future of India demands
  college education,

Future? what of.

Gandhi, Mr., and Miss Maya

Garden of hid treasure the.

George, Miss.

Girl, Indian, to-day; uneducated;
  marriage of; life of; school
  life of; religion of;
  why go to college?;
  Girl students at Vellore
  Medical School; who
  they are; why they
  came; their future.

Girls, proved that Indian, can
  be educated; education
  of; high school, where
  they come from;
  what they study;
  Indian, college education
  for, justified.

God alone will not redeem
  India; in nature;
  transforming world
  through Christ.

Goreh, Ellen Lakshmi,

Government. See Student

Graduate from Madras
  Christian College, letter

Griscom, Dr.

Guntur Women’s Hospital.


Heal, sent forth to.

High school, at; where
  girls are from;
  studies; conquest of
  English; life of girls;
  athletics; basket
  ball; dramatics;
  student government;
  co-operative housekeeping;
  religion of girls;
  religion made practical;
  outlets for religious
  emotion; teachers

Project Gutenberg
Lighted to Lighten: the Hope of India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.