Crime: Its Cause and Treatment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Crime.

Crime: Its Cause and Treatment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Crime.
of, 12-19;
  reformation viewed as aim of, 19-21;
  as a deterrent from crime, 21-24;
  impossibility of justifying, by any reasoning, 25-27;
  determining correct basis of fixing, 150-157;
  effects of too drastic, 156-157;
  results of, to others than the subject, 158-160;
  evolution of, 161-165;
  capital, 166-171;
  viewed as cruelty, not as a remedial measure, 275.

Rape, crime of, 88-89, 91. 
Reason, slight effect of, on actions of men, 44-55. 
Reformation, viewed as purpose of punishment 19-21;
  impossibility of moral, of man, 276-277. 
Religion, emotional life supplied by 54-55;
  in early times, subjects for criminal code furnished by, 161-163;
  criminal code created with growth of, 223-224. 
Repulsion, instinct of, in man, 47. 
“Revelations of St. Peter,” quotation from, 14-17. 
Revenge. See Vengeance. 
Revenue laws, common violation of, 132. 
Revolutionists, position of, 114. 
Robbery, crime of, 92-93.

Sabbath observance, disregard of laws concerning, 132. 
Self-protection, a justification of imprisonment, 25. 
Sentences of prisoners, basis of fixing, 156-157;
  indeterminate, 268-271, 278. 
Sentimentalism, defense of, 168-169. 
Sex instinct in man, 45, 48-49;
  jealousy and revenge caused by, 84-85;
  crimes resulting from, 88-91. 
Shoplifting, kleptomania and, 191-192. 
Social control, theory of, 136;
  discussion of, 193-202. 
Spanish Inquisition, ravages of the, 224. 
Sterilization of the defective, 233-249. 
Stigmata of the criminal, 172-177. 
Strikes, crimes following on, 102. 
Suggestion, power of, on human mind, 24, 65. 
Sumner, W.G., “Folkways” by, 131.

Taboos, adoption of, by primitive man, 7-8. 
Tests, physical, of prisoners, 176-177;
  intelligence, for grading mentality of the backward, 185-186. 
Trajan, correspondence between Pliny and, 225-228.

Vengeance, origin in, of idea of punishment, 12-19;
  punishment inflicted solely for, not as remedial measure, 275.

War, encroachments on liberty during, 114-115;
  effect of, on crime, 213-220. 
Weather, relation between crime and, 250. 
Westermarck, E.A., “History of Human Marriage,” cited, 89. 
Witchcraft, hangings for, 224. 
Women, as criminals, 71-74;
  shoplifting by, 191-192. 
World War, underlying cause of, 106;
  encroachments on liberty during, 115;
  increase in crime since close of, 214-217;
  spirit of super-patriotism a result of, 219-220;
  restrictive legislation due to, 220.

Young, care of the, resulting from mother-instinct, 45-46.

Project Gutenberg
Crime: Its Cause and Treatment from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.