The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

COMPE’TE, v.a. to vie; to contend; to strive; to endeavour to outstrip

COMPLA’INT, s. representation of pains or injuries; malady;
    remonstrance against

COMPLAI’SANCE, s. civility; desire of pleasing

COMPLE’TION, s. accomplishment; act of fulfilling

COMPLI’ANCE, s. the act of yielding to any design or demand

CO’MPLICATE, v.a. to render difficult and incomprehendable; to join
    one with another

COMPOSI’TION, s. a mass formed by mingling different ingredients;
    written work

COMPREHE’ND, v.a. comprise; include; conceive; understand

CONCE’AL, v.a. hide; keep secret; cover

CONCE’IT, s. vain pride

CONCE’NTRIC, a. having one common centre

CONCE’PTION, s. the act of conceiving; state of being conceived;
    notion; sentiment

CONCE’SSION, s. the act of granting or yielding

CONCI’LIATE, v.a. to gain; to win; to reconcile

CONCI’SE, a. short; brief; not longer than is really needful

CONCO’CT, v.a. to devise

CO’NCORD, s. agreement between persons or things; peace; union; a

CONCU’SSION, s. the state of being shaken

CONDE’NSE, v.n. to grow close and weighty

CONDI’TION, s. rank; property; state

CO’NDOR, s. a monstrous bird in America

CONDU’CT, v.a. lend; accompany; manage

CONE, s. a solid body, of which the base is circular, but which ends
    in a point

CONFE’R, v.a. compare; give; bestow; contribute; conduce

CO’NFERENCE, s. formal discourse; an appointed meeting for discussing
    some point by personal debate

CONFE’SS, v.a. acknowledge a crime; own; avow; grant

CONFI’NEMENT, s. imprisonment; restraint of liberty

CO’NFLUENCE, s. the joining together of rivers; a concourse; the act
    of joining together

CONFORMA’TION, s. the form of things as relating to each other; the
    act of producing suitableness or conformity to anything

CONFO’RMITY, s. similitude; consistency

CONGE’NER, s. a thing of the same kind or nature

CONGE’NIAL, a. partaking of the same genius

CONGLO’MERATE, v.a. to gather into a ball, like a ball of thread

CO’NICAL, a. in the shape of a cone

CONJE’CTURE, s. guess; imperfect knowledge; idea

CONNEC’TION, s. union

CO’NQUER, v.a. gain by conquest; win; subdue

CO’NQUEROR, s. a victor; one that conquers

CO’NQUEST, s. a victory

CO’NSCIENCE, s. the faculty by which we judge of the goodness or
    wickedness of ourselves

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.