Bob the Castaway eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about Bob the Castaway.

Bob the Castaway eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about Bob the Castaway.

“No, I guess it’s all right,” and Mr. Tarbill seemed much relieved.  “You see, my train was late,” he went on, “and I came aboard in such a hurry that I was not sure I was on the right ship.  I dislike to make mistakes, especially as my health is not very good.”

“Yes, you’re on the right ship,” Captain Spark assured Mr. Tarbill.  “Now if you’ll come with me I’ll show you to your stateroom.  But first let me introduce to you a relative of mine,” and he presented Bob.

“Yes, I have been talking with him,” said Mr. Tarbill.  “He assured me I was on the right vessel, but I did not know whether he knew or not.”

“Oh, yes, Bob knows that much about the ship.  But he’s going to learn more soon.”

The captain conducted the nervous passenger to the stateroom set apart for him and then came back on deck.

“What do you think of him?” he asked Bob.

“He seems all right, but very nervous.”

“That’s the trouble.  He’s too nervous.  His doctor recommended him to take a long sea voyage to see if it would cure him.  I think it will.  I never knew a sailor who was nervous, and it’s all because of the salt water.  Now, Bob, amuse yourself as best you can until the tug drops us.  I have several matters to attend to.  After a bit I’ll give you some regular duties to perform every day.  They will not be hard, but I shall expect you to perform them as well as you are able.  While in the main this is a pleasure trip for you, undertaken for a purpose with which you are familiar, I want you to derive some benefit from it.  Don’t you think that wise?”

“Yes, sir,” answered Bob, who had formed several good resolutions regarding his future conduct.

“Very well, then.  You can roam about the ship at your pleasure until I am ready for you.”

Now a ship is one of the best places in the world for the circulation of news.  It is a little village in itself, and what happens in the captain’s cabin, though there may be a desire to keep it secret, is soon known in the forecastle, or “fo’kesel,” as the sailors pronounce it.  Consequently it was not long before it was known that Bob was being sent on the voyage to reform him for certain roguish tricks to which he was addicted.  This was known to the majority of the crew before the ship sailed.

Consequently they were not only on their guard against any pranks which the boy might try to perpetrate, but several of the younger men resolved to give Bob a taste of his own medicine.

There was some whispering among members of the crew as they observed Bob strolling about the deck, and one of the men said something to Mr. Carr.  The first mate nodded and smiled.  A little later, as Bob was watching the men coil up the big hawser which the tug had cast off, the Eagle now proceeding along under her own sails, one of the sailors stepped up to him.

“Would you mind doing us a favor?” he asked respectfully.

Project Gutenberg
Bob the Castaway from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.