Three Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Three Plays.

Three Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Three Plays.

Sit down, James.

  James sits on chair, near table.  Maire is seated at fire, left of
  James.  Anne leans against table, right of him

Your father is outside, maybe?

No.  He’s above in the room.

JAMES Yes.  Practising, I suppose.  Them that have the gift have to mind the gift.  In this country there isn’t much thought for poetry, or music, or scholarship.  Still, a few of us know that a while must be spared from the world if we are to lay up riches in the mind.

I hope there’s nothing wrong at home?

JAMES (turning to Anne) To tell you the truth, Anne, and to keep nothing back, there is.

And what is it, James?

(turning to Maire) Anne was talking to my father last night.

Indeed I was, and I thought him very friendly to me.

JAMES Ay, he liked you well enough, I can tell you that, Anne.  This morning when he took a stick in his hand, I knew he was making ready for a journey, for the horse is laid up.  “Walk down a bit with me,” said he, “and we’ll go over a few things that are in my mind.”  Well, I walked down with him, and indeed we had a serious conversation.


“Anne Hourican is too young,” said my father; “she’s a nice
girl, and a good girl, but she’s too young.”

Sure in a while Anne will be twenty.

JAMES (turning to Maire) Ten years from this father would still think Anne too young.  And late marriages, as everybody knows, is the real weakness of the country.

I thought your father liked me.

JAMES He likes you well enough, but, as he says, “what would she be doing here and your sisters years older than herself?” There’s truth in that, mind you.  I always give in to the truth.


(turning to Maire) Well, Maire?

Is Anne a girl to be waiting twenty years for a man, like
Sally Cassidy?

JAMES God forbid, Maire Hourican, that I’d ask your sister to wait that length.  MAIRE She hasn’t got a fortune.  We were brought up different to farmers, and maybe we never gave thought to the like.

She has what’s better than a fortune.

Why aren’t your sisters married off?

Big fortunes are expected with them.

And they look to your wife to bring a big fortune into the

Ay, they do that.

MAIRE You, James, ought to have some control in the house.  You’re the only son.  Your father is well off.  Get him to fortune off your sisters, and then bring Anne to the house.

But how could I get father to fortune off the girls?

How?  By wakening up.  You have the right.  When we have the right,
we ought to be able to do anything we like with the people around us.

Project Gutenberg
Three Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.