George Washington: Farmer eBook

Paul Leland Haworth
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 249 pages of information about George Washington.

George Washington: Farmer eBook

Paul Leland Haworth
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 249 pages of information about George Washington.
     floor of this barn, 125; rented to Lawrence Lewis, 127;
     conjuring negroes at, 213; given to Lawrence Lewis
     and his wife, 227; financial return from in 1798, 287. 
Dower negroes:  belong to Custis estate, 14; number of in 1799, 218. 
Drill, see “Barrel Plough.” 
Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis, his treatise on husbandry
     abstracted by Washington, 71, 73, 74. 
Dunmore, Lord, issues a land patent to Washington, 25. 
Dutch fan, one owned by Washington at the time of his death, 128.

Eastern Shore oats, wild onions picked out of, 111. 
Eastern Shore peas, experiment with, 105. 
Evans, Joshua, puts iron ring on Patty Custis, 224. 
Everett, Edward, buys the Pearce papers, 86.

Fairfax, Anne:  wife of Lawrence Washington, 10;
     marries George Lee and sells her life interest in Mount Vernon
     to George Washington, 11. 
Fairfax, Lord Thomas:  employs George Washington as a surveyor, 9;
     vast land holdings of, 38;
     fondness of fox hunting, 255;
     hunts with Washington, 256. 
Fairfax, Sir William, father of wife of Lawrence Washington, 11.
Farmer’s Compleat Guide:  used by Washington, 71;
     abstracts from, 72.
Federal Gazette,
     describes theatrical performance witnessed by Washington, 246. 
Ferry, bought of Posey, 17. 
Ferry Farm, bought by Washington, 17, 295. 
Fertilizer:  experiments with marl, 95, 99, 105;
     with mud, 102-104;
     experiment fertilizing oats, 112;
     Noah Webster’s advanced ideas regarding, 118, 119;
     Washington wants a manager who can convert everything he
     touches into manure, 119;
     see also “Compost” and “Rotation of Crops"
Fishery:  bought of Posey, 17;
     description of, 65, 66;
     returns from in 1798, 287. 
Fitch, John, visits Washington to interest him in steam navigation, 240. 
Fitzpatrick, John C, on handwriting of the
     digest from the Compleat Guide, 72. 
Florida Blanca, helps Washington obtain a jackass, 137, 138. 
Flour:  Washington’s classification of, 98;
     excellent quality of, 98. 
Forbes, Mrs., Washington’s inquiries about, 189, 190. 
Ford, Paul Leicester: 
     opinion of remedies tried on Patty Custis, 223;
     on Washington’s success as a farmer, 287. 
Fox hunting:  account of Washington’s experiences at, 255-265;
     mentioned, 100. 
Franklin, Benjamin:  gives Washington a cane, 87;
     Washington inspects mangle belonging to, 113. 
Frederick the Great, mythical story of his sending a sword to
     Washington, 86. 
French, Daniel, breaks contract for sale of corn, 79, 80. 
French, Mrs. Daniel, Washington hires slaves from, 217. 
French, Elizabeth, member of dancing class, 248. 
Frestel, Monsieur, accompanies George W. Lafayette to Mount Vernon, 242.

Project Gutenberg
George Washington: Farmer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.