Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.

Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.
  Burke, young, iv. 219, n. 3;
  Cambridge, R. O., iv. 196, n. 3;
  Carter, Mrs., iv. 275, n. 1;
  Cator, John, iv. 313, n. 1;
  Cecilia, iv. 223;
  Clerk, Sir P. J., iv. 80, n. 4;
  dates, indifferent to, iv. 88, n. 1;
  downed, will not be, iii. 335, n. 2;
  Evelina first praised by Mrs. Cholmondeley, iii. 318, n. 3;
    copy in the Bodleian, iv. 223, n. 4;
    drawings from it, 277, n. 1;
    grossness of sailors described, ii. 438, n. 2;
    not heard of in Lichfield, ii. 463, n. 4;
  Fielding and Smollett, exhilarated by, ii. 174, n. 2;
  Garrick’s mimicry of Johnson, ii. 192, n. 2;
  George III compliments her, ii. 35, n. 5;
    criticises Shakespeare, i. 497, n. 1;
    popularity, iv. 165, n.. 3;
  Goldsmith’s projected Dictionary, ii. 204, n. 2;
  Gordon Riots, iii. 428, n. 4, 435, n. 2;
  Grub Street, had never visited, i. 296, n. 2;
  Hamilton, W. G., character of, i. 520;
  Harington’s Nugae Antiquae, iv. 180, n. 3;
  Hawkesworth’s death, v. 282, n. 2;
  Irene, iv. 5, n. 1;
  Johnson accuses her of writing Scotch, iv. 211, n. 2;
    appearance:  See JOHNSON, personal appearance;
    attacks W. W. Pepys, iv. 65, n. 1;
    benignity, ii. 141, n. 2;
    borrows a shilling of her, iv. 191, n. 1;
    at Brighton, iv. 159, n. 3;
    and Dr. Burney, friendship of, ii. 407, n. 1;
    and Burney’s History of Music, ii. 409, n. 1;
    Cecilia, praises, iv. 163, n. 1;
    comical humour, ii. 262, n. 2;
    consulted by letter, ii. 119;
    describes Garrick’s face, ii. 410, n. 1;
    eye-sight, iv. 160, n. 1;
    Evelina, praises, ii. 12, n. 1, 173, n. 2;
    on expectations, iv. 234, n. 2;
    Garrick, let nobody attack, iii. 312, n. 1;
    good humour and gaiety, iii. 440, n. 1; iv. 245, n. 2;
    and Greville, iv. 304, n. 4;
    grief at Thrale’s death, iv. 85, n. 1;
    household, iii. 461;
    ill, iv. 163, n. 1, 256, n. 1;
      violent remedies, iii. 135, n. 1;
    ‘in the wrong chair,’ iv. 232, n. 1;
    introduction to her, ii. 364, n. 3;
    kindliness, iv. 426, n. 2;
    kitchen, ii. 215, n. 4;
    last days, iv. 377, n. 1;
    likes an intelligent man of the world, iii. 21, n. 3;
    made or marred conversation, v. 371, n. 2;
    and Miss More, iv. 341, n. 6;
    needed drawing out, iii. 307, n. 2;
    and the newspapers, iii. 79, n. 4;
    parting with Burke, iv. 407, n. 3;
    portrait, ii. 141, n. 1;
    praises her, iv. 275;
    Mrs. Montagu, quarrels with, iv. 64, n. 1, 65, n. 1;
      urges Miss Burney to attack her, iii. 244, n. 2;
      and Miss Reynolds, i. 486, n.  I;
    sight, i. 41, n. 4;
    sorrow for his bitter speeches, ii. 256, n. 1;
    at Streatham, i. 493, n. 3; iii. 451;
    style, imitates, iv. 389;
Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.