Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.

Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.
iii. 155;
    calls it isolee, iv. 165;
    says that it is weak because unpopular, v. 271;
  oaths as to the disputed right, ii. 220;
  pleasure of cursing it, i. 429;
  right to the throne, v. 202-4;
  unpopular at Oxford, i. 72, n. 3 (see under OXFORD, Jacobite);
    becomes generally popular, iv. 171, n. 1
      (see under GEORGE III, unpopularity). 
HANOVER RAT, ii. 455. 
HANWAY, Jonas,
  Eight Days’ Journey, i. 309; ii. 122;
  Essay on Tea, i. 309. 313-4, 348, n. 3; iii. 264, n. 4; v. 23;
  Johnson’s rejoinder, i. 314. 
  attained by studying little things, i. 433, 440; iii. 165;
  business of a wise man, iii. 135;
  cannot be found in this life, v. 180;
  counterfeited, ii. 169, n. 3;
  cultivated, to be, iii. 164;
  experience shows that men are less happy, iii. 237;
  hope the chief part of it, i. 234, n. 2; ii. 351;
  Hume’s notion, ii. 9; iii. 288;
  inn, produced most by a good, ii. 452;
  its throne a tavern chair, ib., n. 1;
  one solid basis of it, iii. 363;
  Pantheon, at the, ii. 169;
  pleasure, compared with, iii. 246;
  present time never happy but when a man is drunk, ii. 350, 435, n. 7;
iii. 5;
    or when he forgets himself, iii. 53;
  public matters, little affected by, ii. 60, n. 4, 170;
  schoolboys, happiness of, i. 451;
  struggles for it, iii. 199;
  Swift, defined by, ii. 351, n. 1;
  virtue, not the certain result of, i. 389, n. 2.
Happy Life, The, ii. 25. 
HARCOURT, Lord Chancellor, i. 75, n. 3. 
HARCOURT, Lord, iii. 426, n. 3. 
HARDCASTLE, Mrs., in She Stoops to Conquer, i. 213, n. 5. 
HARDING, ——­, a painter, iv. 421, n. 2. 
HARDINGE, first Viscount, ii. 183, n. 1. 
HARDWICKE, Lord Chancellor,
  Dirleton’s Doubts, on, iii. 205;
  Dr. Foster becomes popular through him, iv. 9, n. 5;
  prime minister, on the office of a, ii. 355, n. 2;
  Radcliffe’s trial, i. 180, n. 2;
  Spectator, paper in the, iii. 34;
  mentioned, ii. 157, n. 3. 
HARDWICKE, second Lord, i. 260, n. 3. 
HARDYKNUTE, ii. 91. 
HARE, James, iii. 388, n. 3. 
HARE, W., the murderer, v. 227, n. 4. 
HARGRAVE, ——­, the barrister, iii. 87, n. 3. 
HARINGTON, Dr., iv. 180. 
HARINGTON, Sir John, iv. 180, n. 3; 420, n. 3. 
HARLEIAN Library and Catalogue, i. 153, 158.
Harleian Miscellany, Preface to the, i. 175. 
HARRINGTON, Countess of, iii. 141. 
HARRIS, James (Hermes Harris),
  account of him, ii. 225, n. 2;
  a coxcomb, v. 377;
  Hermes or Philological Inquiries, iii. 115, 245, 258; v. 377;
  Johnson’s Dictionary, praises, iii. 115;
    talk with, iii. 256-9;
  pleasantry, his sense of, v. 378, n. 2;
  scholar and prig, iii. 245;
  mentioned, ii. 365. 
HARRIS, Thomas, of Covent Garden Theatre, iii. 114. 
HARRISON, Rev. Cornelius, iv. 401, n. 3. 
Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.