Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Note:  Sam Scott, who has been personally known to the interviewer for many years, is above the average of the race for integrity and truthfulness.  His statement that he was born a few years after slavery and that his father died during slavery was not questioned the matter being a delicate personal affair and of no special moment.

Interviewer:  Miss Irene Robertson
Person interviewed:  Cora Scroggins, Clarendon, Arkansas
Age:  48 or 50

“My mother was born in Spring Hill, Tennessee and brought to Arkansas by her master.  Her name was Margaret.  Dr. and Mrs. Porter brought my mother to Batesville, Arkansas when she was eight years old and raised her.  She was very light.  She had long straight hair but was mixed with white.  She never knew much about her parents or people.

“Mr. William Brook (white) came to De Valls Bluff from Tennessee and brought her sister soon after the War.  She was a very black woman.

“Dr. Porter had a family.  One of their daughters was Mrs. Mattie Long, another Mrs. Willie Bowens.  There were others.  They were all fine to my mother.  She married in Dr. Porter’s home.  Mrs. Porter had learnt her to sew.  My father was a mechanic.  My mother sewed for both black and white.  She was a fine dressmaker.  She had eight children and raised six of us up grown.

“My father was a tall rawbony brown man.  His mother was an Indian squaw.  She lived to be one hundred seven years old.  She lived about with her children.  The white folks all called her ‘Aunt Matildy’ Tucker.  She was a small woman, long hair and high cheek bones.  She wore a shawl big as a sheet purty nigh all time and smoked a pipe.  I was born in Batesville.

“My mother spoke of her one long journey on the steamboat and stagecoach.  That was when she was brought to Arkansas.  It made a memorable picture in her mind.

“Dr. and Mrs. Porter told her she was free and she could go or stay.  And she had nowheres to go and she had always lived with them white folks.  She never did like black folks’ ways and she raised us near like she was raised as she could.

“She used to tell us how funny they dressed and how they rode at night all through the country.  She seen them and she could name men acted as Ku Kluxes but they never bothered her and she wasn’t afraid of them.

“I cooked all my life till I got disabled.  I never had a child.  I wish I had a girl.  I’ve been considered a fine cook all of my life.”

Circumstances of Interview
name of worker—­Bernice Bowden
address—­1006 Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas
date—­November 4, 1938
[TR:  Repetitive information deleted from subsequent pages.]

1.  Name and address of informant—­Sarah Sexton, Route 4, Box 685, Pine Bluff

2.  Date and time of interview—­November 3, 1958, 10:00 a.m.

Project Gutenberg
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.