Fire-Tongue eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Fire-Tongue.

Fire-Tongue eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Fire-Tongue.

“Ah,” he muttered.  “Might have foreseen it.”  All the windows were curtained, or rather, as a rough investigation revealed, were closed with aluminium shutters which were immovable.

A moment later, as the car moved off, a lamp became lighted above him.  Then he saw that several current periodicals were placed invitingly in the rack, as well as a box of very choice Egyptian cigarettes.

“H’m,” he murmured.

He made a close investigation upon every side, but he knew enough of the organization with which he was dealing to be prepared for failure.

He failed.  There was no cranny through which he could look out.  Palpably, it would be impossible to learn where he was being taken.  The journey might be a direct one, or might be a detour.  He wished that he could have foreseen this device.  Above all, he wished that Detective Sergeant Stokes had been a more clever man.

It would have been good to know that he was followed.  His only hope was that someone detailed by Paul Harley might be in pursuit.

Lighting a fresh cigar, Nicol Brinn drew a copy of the Sketch from the rack, and studied the photographs of more or less pretty actresses with apparent contentment.  He had finished the Sketch, and was perusing the Bystander, when, the car having climbed a steep hill and swerved sharply to the right, he heard the rustling of leaves, and divined that they were proceeding along a drive.

He replaced the paper in the rack, and took out his watch.  Consulting it, he returned it to his pocket as the car stopped and the light went out.

The door, which, with its fellow, Nicol Brinn had discovered to be locked, was opened by the Oriental chauffeur, and Brinn descended upon the steps of a shadowed porch.  The house door was open, and although there was no light within: 

“Come this way,” said a voice, speaking out of the darkness.

Nicol Brinn entered a hallway the atmosphere of which seemed to be very hot.

“Allow me to take your hat and coat,” continued the voice.

He was relieved of these, guided along a dark passage; and presently, an inner door being opened, he found himself in a small, barely furnished room where one shaded lamp burned upon a large writing table.

His conductor, who did not enter, closed the door quietly, and Nicol Brinn found himself looking into the smiling face of a Hindu gentleman who sat at the table.

The room was decorated with queer-looking Indian carvings, pictures upon silk, and other products of Eastern craftsmanship.  The table and the several chairs were Oriental in character, but the articles upon the table were very European and businesslike in appearance.  Furthermore, the Hindu gentleman, who wore correct evening dress, might have been the representative of an Eastern banking house, as indeed he happened to be, amongst other things.

“Good evening,” he said, speaking perfect English “won’t you sit down?”

Project Gutenberg
Fire-Tongue from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.