The Crater eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 635 pages of information about The Crater.

The Crater eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 635 pages of information about The Crater.

On Rancocus Island, however, Bigelow had made a very ingenious canal, that was of vast service in floating logs to the mill.  The dam made a long narrow pond that penetrated two or three miles up a gorge in the mountains, and into this dam the logs were rolled down the declivities, which were steep enough to carry anything into the water.  When cut into lumber, it was found that the stream below the mill, would carry small rafts down to the sea.

While all these projects were in the course of operation, the governor did not forget the high interests connected with his foreign relations; Waally was to be looked to, and Ooroony’s son to be righted.  The council was unanimously of opinion that sound policy required such an exhibition of force on the part of the colony, as should make a lasting impression on their turbulent neighbours.  An expedition was accordingly fitted out, in which the Mermaid, the Abraham, and a new pilot-boat built schooner of fifty tons burthen, were employed.  This new schooner was nearly ready for launching when the Rancocus returned, and was put into the water for the occasion.  She had been laid down in the cove, where Bigelow had found room for a sufficient yard, and where timber was nearer at hand, than on the Reef.  As Rancocus Island supplied the most accessible and the best lumber, the council had determined to make a permanent establishment on it, for the double purposes of occupation and building vessels.  As the resources of that island were developed, it was found important on other accounts, also.  Excellent clay for bricks was found, as was lime-stone, in endless quantities.  For the purposes of agriculture, the place was nearly useless, there not being one thousand acres of good arable land in the whole island; but the mountains were perfect mines of treasure in the way of necessary supplies of the sorts mentioned.

A brick-yard was immediately cleared and formed, and a lime-kiln constructed.  Among the colonists, it was easy to find men accustomed to work in all these familiar branches.  The American can usually turn his hand to a dozen different pursuits; and, though he may not absolutely reach perfection in either, he is commonly found useful and reasonably expert in all.  Before the governor sailed on his expedition against Waally, a brick-kiln and a lime-kiln were nearly built, and a vast quantity of lumber had been carried over to the Reef.  As sandal-wood had been collecting for the twelve months of her late absence, the Rancocus had also been filled up, and had taken in a new cargo for Canton.  It was not the intention of the governor to command his ship this voyage; but he gave her to Saunders, who was every way competent to the trust.  When all was ready, the Rancocus, the Mermaid, the Abraham, and the Anne, as the new pilot-boat schooner was called, sailed for Betto’s group:  it being a part of the governor’s plan to use the ship, in passing, with a view to intimidate his enemies.  In consequence of the revolution

Project Gutenberg
The Crater from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.