His Big Opportunity eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about His Big Opportunity.

His Big Opportunity eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about His Big Opportunity.

“No you won’t, you know we shall want you too.”

And seeing the frown on Dudley’s face, Roy turned back and linked his arm in his.  “Look here,” he added, “Rob shall be your follower as well as mine, and we will all go out to look for a new country together, and when we’ve found it, we will come back and have a jolly time in this old house.”

“I shall have to work for my living,” Dudley replied, gruffly.

“Yes.  I was thinking,” and the earnest look came into Roy’s eyes as he spoke; “I was thinking this morning, I mustn’t just live as I like to live when I grow up.  There will be an awful lot to be done.  Old Principle was telling me the other day that the reason some people are overworked is because other people don’t work enough, and an idle man puts his burden of work on other people’s backs.”

“We don’t want old Principle’s sermons here,” exclaimed Dudley, having recovered his good humor.  “Aren’t you awfully hungry?  I’m sure tea must be ready.”

They went to the terrace where a most elaborate repast was set out, which they thoroughly enjoyed.  After it was over all the servants came up to drink Roy’s health; the old butler Pike made a little speech, and Roy responded; his words lingering in the memories of those who heard him for long afterward.

Miss Bertram, as she looked at his upright, slender little figure, and noted the intense emphasis with which he spoke, felt a pang go through her, as she wondered if his frail young life would be cut short before he reached manhood.

“I’m awfully much obliged to you all for your good wishes.  I’m determined when I grow up and come to live with you that I’ll do all the good I can to everybody.  I hope I’m getting stronger, and I think I may be able to do as much as other people.  But whatever I am, I promise you I’ll do my very best for the property!”

Then three cheers were given for the little master; and after the ceremony was over, Miss Bertram told her little nephews to amuse themselves quietly for another half hour before they returned home.

Their plans were already arranged, and they went straight to the stables for their ponies to try the leap the old groom had mentioned to them.

He had already saddled them, and a few minutes after, they came through the small paddock in front of the spot.

It was rather an awkward hedge, though not a very high one with a broad stream of running water the other side.

Old Ben began to get a little nervous as he saw the boys eyeing the leap rather doubtfully.

“Has the hedge grown since our fathers were little boys?” asked Dudley.

“A wee bit, perhaps, though we do keep it cut pretty much to the same level.  It’s a deal thicker than it used to be, but don’t you try it if you hain’t sure of your ponies.  It ’ud be a awful thing if you hurt yourself and couldn’t do it!”

[Illustration:  “’He’s dead, Ben! he’s dead!”]

Project Gutenberg
His Big Opportunity from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.