Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 eBook

Ebenezer Cobham Brewer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 804 pages of information about Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1.

Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 eBook

Ebenezer Cobham Brewer
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 804 pages of information about Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1.

BELA’RIUS, a nobleman and soldier in the army of Cym’beline (3 syl.) king of Britain.  Two villains having sworn to the king that he was “confederate with the Romans,” he was banished, and for twenty years lived in a cave; but he stole away the two infant sons of the king out of revenge.  Their names were Guide’rius and Arvir’agus.  When these two princes were grown to manhood, a battle was fought between the Romans and Britons, in which Cymbeline was made prisoner, but Belarius coming to the rescue, the king was liberated and the Roman general in turn was made captive.  Belarius was now reconciled to Cymbeline, and presenting to him the two young men, told their story; whereupon they were publicly acknowledged to be the sons of Cymbeline and princes of the realm.—­Shakespeare, Cymbeline (1605).

BEL BREE, wide-awake country girl in The Other Girls, by A.D.T.  Whitney.  Dissatisfied with rustic life, she accompanies aunt Blin, a dressmaker, to Boston, works hard, is exposed to the temptations that beset a pretty girl in a city, but resists them.  She is thrown out of work by the Boston fire, and “enters service” with satisfactory consequences to all concerned.

BELCH (Sir Toby), uncle of Olivia the rich countess of Illyria.  He is a reckless roysterer of the old school, and a friend of sir Andrew Ague-cheek.—­Shakespeare, Twelfth Night (1614).

BELCOUR, a foundling adopted by Mr. Belcour, a rich Jamaica merchant, who at death left him all his property.  He was in truth the son of Mr. Stockwell, the clerk of Belcour, senior, who clandestinely married his master’s daughter, and afterwards became a wealthy merchant.  On the death of old Belcour, the young man came to England as the guest of his unknown father, fell in love with Miss Dudley, and married her.  He was hot-blooded, impulsive, high-spirited, and generous, his very faults serving as a foil to his noble qualities; ever erring and repenting, offending and atoning for his offences.—­Cumberland, The West Indian (1771).

BE’LED, one of the six Wise Men of the East, led by the guiding star to Jesus.  He was a king, who gave to his enemy who sought to dethrone him half of his kingdom, and thus turned a foe into a fast friend.—­Klopstock, The Messiah, v. (1747).

BELERMA, the lady whom Durandarte served for seven years as a knight-errant and peer of France.  When, at length, he died at Roncesvalles, he prayed his cousin Montesi’nos to carry his heart to Belerma.

I saw a procession of beautiful damsels in mourning, with white turbans on their heads.  In the rear came a lady with a veil so long that it reached the ground:  her turban was twice as large as the largest of the others; her eyebrows were joined, her nose was rather flat, her mouth wide, but her lips of a vermilion color.  Her teeth were thin-set and irregular, though very white; and she carried in her hand a fine linen cloth, containing a heart.  Montesinos informed me that this lady was Belerma.—­Cervantes, Don Quixote, II. ii. 6 (1615).

Project Gutenberg
Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.