Sermons for the Times eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Sermons for the Times.

Sermons for the Times eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Sermons for the Times.

My friends, you will be able to understand more and more of the meaning of these words just in proportion as you are good sons and good fathers; and therefore, just in proportion as you are led and taught by the Holy Spirit of God, without whose help no man can be either a good father or a good son.  A bad son; a disobedient, self-willed, self-conceited son, who is seeking his own credit and not his father’s, his own pleasure and not his parent’s comfort; a son who is impatient of being kept in order and advised, who despises his parent’s counsel, and will have none of his reproof,—­to him these words of our Lord, the deepest, noblest words which were ever spoken on earth, will have no more meaning than if they were written in a foreign language; he will not know what our Lord means; he will not be able to see why our Lord came and suffered; he will not see any beauty in our Lord’s character, any righteousness in His sacrificing Himself for His Father; and because he has forgotten his duty to his earthly father, he will never learn his duty to God.

For what is the duty of the Lord Jesus Christ is our duty, if we are the sons of God in Him.  He is The Son of God by an eternal never-ceasing generation; we are the sons of God by adoption.  The way in which we are to look up to God, The Holy Spirit must teach us; what is our duty to God The Holy Spirit must teach us.  And who is The Holy Spirit?  He is The Spirit who proceeds from The Son as well as from The Father.  He is The Spirit of Jesus Christ, The Spirit of the Son of God, the Spirit who descended on the Lord Jesus when He was baptized, the Spirit which God gave to Him without measure.  He is the Spirit of The Son of God; and we are sons of God by adoption, says Saint Paul; and because we are sons, he says, God has sent forth into our hearts the Spirit of His Son, by whom we look up to God as our Father; and this Spirit of God’s Son, by whom we cry to God, Abba, Father, St. Paul calls, in another place, the Spirit of adoption; and declares openly that He is the very Spirit of God.

Therefore, in whatsoever way the Spirit of God is to teach you to look up to God, He will teach you to look up to Him as a Father; the Father of Spirits, and therefore your Father; for you are a spirit.  Whatsoever duty to God the Holy Spirit teaches you, He teaches you first, and before all things, that it is filial duty, the duty of a son to a father, because you are the son of God, and God is your Father.

Therefore, whatsoever man or book tells you that your duty to God is anything but the duty of a son to his father does not speak by the Spirit of God.  Whatsoever thoughts or feelings in your own hearts tell you that your duty to God is anything but the duty of a son to his father, and tempt you to distrust God’s forgiveness, and shrink from Him, and look up to Him as a taskmaster, and an austere and revengeful Lord, are not the Spirit of God; no, nor your own spirit, ‘the spirit of a man,’

Project Gutenberg
Sermons for the Times from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.