A History of China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 559 pages of information about A History of China.

A History of China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 559 pages of information about A History of China.

  Labour, forced (see Corvee)
    Labour laws
    Labour shortage
  Lamaism, religion
  Land ownership (see Property)
    Land reform (see chuen-t’ien, ching-t’ien)
    temples as landlords
    Language reform
  Lang Shih-ning, painter
  La Tz[)u], philosopher
  Laos, country
  Law codes (see Li K’ui, Property law, Inheritance, Legalists)
  League of Nations
  Leibniz, philosopher
  Legalists (fa-chia)
  Legitimacy of rule (see Abdication)
  Lenin, V.
  Lhasa, city
  Li An-shih, economist
  Li Chung-yen, governor
  Li Hung-chang, politician
  Li K’o-yung, ruler
  Li Kuang-li, general
  Li K’ui, law-maker
  Li Li-san, politician
  Li Lin-fu, politician
  Li Lung-mien, painter
  Li Shih-min (see T’ai Tsung), T’ang ruler
  Li Ss[)u], politician
  Li Ta-chao, librarian
  Li T’ai-po, poet
  Li Tz[)u]-ch’eng, rebel
  Li Yu, writer
  Li Yu-chen, writer
  Li Yuean, ruler
  Li Yuean-hung, politician
  Liang dynasty, Earlier
    Later Liang
    Northern Liang
    Southern Liang
    Western Liang
  Liang Ch’i-ch’ao, journalist
  liang-min (burghers)
  Liao, tribes,
    Liao dynasty (see Kitan)
    Western Liao dynasty
  Liao-chai chih-i, short-story collection
  Lin-chin, city
  Lin-ch’uan, city
  Lin Shu, translator
  Lin Tse-hsue, politician
  Literati, (see Scholars, Confucianists)
  Literature (see pien-wen, pi-chi, Poetry, Drama, Novels, Epics,
    Theatre, ballads, Folk-tales, Fables, History, Confucians, Writers,
    Scholars, Scribes)
  Literary revolution
  Liu Chi, Han ruler
  Liu Chin-yuean, ruler
  Liu Chin, eunuch
  Liu Hsiu (see Kuang wu Ti), Han ruler
  Liu Lao-chih, general
  liu-min (vagrants)
  Liu Pang (see Liu Chi)
  Liu Pei, general and ruler
  Liu Shao-ch’i, political leader
  Liu Sung, rebel
  Liu Tsung-yuean, writer
  Liu Ts’ung, ruler
  Liu Yao, ruler
  Liu Yue, general
  Liu Yuean, sculptor
  Lo Kuan-chung, writer
  Loans, to farmers
  Loess, soil formation
  Long March
  Lorcha War
  Loyang (Lo-yang), capital of China
  Lu, state
  Lue, empress
  Lu Hsiang-shan, philosopher
  Lu Hsuen, writer
  Lue Kuang, ruler
  Lue Pu, general
  Lue Pu-wei, politician
  Lun, prince
  Lun-heng, book
  Lung-men, place
  Lung-shan, excavation site
  Lytton Commission
  Ma Yin, ruler
  Ma Yuean, general
  Macao, Portuguese colony
  Mahayana, Buddhist sect
  Maitreya, Buddhist deity (see Messianic

Project Gutenberg
A History of China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.