The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 54 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 54 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The condition of a country apothecary being peculiarly liable to the inclemency of the season, John’s dress was generally such as might bid defiance to wind, or rain, or snow, or hail.  If any thing, he wrapt up most in the summer, having a theory that people were never so apt to take cold as in hot weather.  He usually wore a bearskin great-coat, a silk handkerchief over his cravat, top boots on those sturdy pillars his legs, a huge pair of overalls, and a hat, which, from, the day in which it first came into his possession to that in which it was thrown aside, never knew the comfort of being freed from its oilskin—­never was allowed to display the glossy freshness of its sable youth.  Poor dear hat! how its vanity (if hats have vanity) must have suffered!  For certain its owner had none, unless a lurking pride in his own bluffness and bluntness may be termed such.  He piqued himself on being a plain downright Englishman, and on a voice and address pretty much like his apparel, rough, strong, and warm, fit for all weathers.  A heartier person never lived.

In his profession he was eminently skilful, bold, confident, and successful.  The neighbouring physicians liked to come after Mr. Hallett; they were sure to find nothing to undo.  And blunt and abrupt as was his general manner, he was kind and gentle in a sick-room; only nervous disorders, the pet diseases of Mr. Simon Saunders, he could not abide.  He made short work with them; frightened them away as one does by children when they have the hiccough; or if the malady were pertinacious and would not go, he fairly turned off the patient.  Once or twice, indeed, on such occasions, the patient got the start, and turned him off; Mrs. Emery, for instance, the lady’s maid at New Place, most delicate and mincing of waiting-gentlewomen, motioned him from her presence; and Miss Deane, daughter of Martha Deane, haberdasher, who, after completing her education at a boarding-school, kept a closet full of millinery in a little den behind her mamma’s shop, and was by many degrees the finest lady in Hazelby, was so provoked at being told by him that nothing ailed her, that, to prove her weakly condition, she pushed him by main force out of doors.

With these exceptions Mr. Hallett was the delight of the whole town, as well as of all the farm-houses within six miles round.  He just suited the rich yeomanry, cured their diseases, and partook of their feasts; was constant at christenings, and a man of prime importance at weddings.  A country merry-making was nothing without “the Doctor.”  He was “the very prince of good fellows;” had a touch of epicurism, which, without causing any distaste of his own homely fare, made dainties acceptable when they fell in his way; was a most absolute carver; prided himself upon a sauce of his own invention, for fish and game—­“Hazelby sauce” he called it; and was universally admitted to be the best compounder of a bowl of punch in the county.

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.