A School History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A School History of the United States.

A School History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A School History of the United States.
Colonies, Spanish;
Colorado, acquired;
  a territory;
  silver interests. 
Columbia Centinel
Columbia River discovered. 
Columbus, Christopher. 
Columbus, Ky., evacuated. 
Columbus, O., population in 1840;
Commerce, in colonial times;
  about 1810;
  See also Trade. 
Committee of Safety. 
Compromise, Missouri;
  of 1850;
  of Crittenden. 
Compromises in Constitution. 
Comptroller of the Currency. 
Concord, battle of. 
Confederate cruisers. 
Confederate States, formed;
  during civil war;
  capital of;
  end of;
  military supplies of;
  debts and losses of;
  congress dissolved.
Congress, under Articles of Confederation, and see Continental Congress;
  reconstruction plan of;
  gives land grants;
  acts of 1862 and 1863. 
Congress, National Labor. 
Connecticut, settled;
  in colonial times;
Conscription, Confederate.
Constitution of U.S.,
  amendments to, see Amendments. 
  Printed in Appendix,
Constitutional Union party,
Continental army,
Continental Congress,
Continental debt,
Continental money,
Contract labor,
Contraction policy,
Contreras, battle of,
Conway cabal,
Cooper, Peter,
  battle of,
Cornwallis, Lord,
Corporations, rise of,
  opposition to,
Cotton gin,
Cotton industry,
Cotton-seed oil,
Council Bluffs, Mormons at,
Council for New England,
Coureurs de bois,
Court of Admiralty,
Courts of U.S. established,
Cowpens, battle of,
Cranfill, J.B.,
Crawford, William H.,
Credit Strengthening Act,
Creek Indians,
Crittenden’s Compromise,
Croghan, Major,
Crown Point, founded,
  English at,
Culpeper Courthouse,
Cumberland Road,
Cunard steamship line,
Currency, U.S.,
Curtis, Gen. S.R.,
Customs Commissioners.


Dakota Territory, formed,
  population of,
Dallas, George Mifflin,
Dalton, battle of,
Daniel, William,
Davenport, John,
Davie, William K.,
Davis, David,
Davis, Jefferson, president of Confederacy,
  capture of,
Dayton, William L.,
De Soto,
Deane, Silas,
Dearborn’s expedition,
Debt, national, after the Revolutionary War,
  in 1790,
  in 1801,
  in 1835,
  new national,
  during Civil War,
  in 1866,
  in 1887,
  in 1894,
Declaration of Independence,
  in Vermont,
  See Appendix,
Declaration of Rights,
Delaware, claims in,
  sold to Penn,
  in colonial times,
  slavery in,
Delaware, Lord, 32. 

Project Gutenberg
A School History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.