Travels through the Empire of Morocco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 131 pages of information about Travels through the Empire of Morocco.

Travels through the Empire of Morocco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 131 pages of information about Travels through the Empire of Morocco.

Before I introduce you a second time to the Governor, or relate my reception from him, I must beg leave to give you a description of my journey hither.  Methinks I hear you say, “That is unnecessary, as, no doubt, it was much the same as before.”  No such thing, I assure you; for, in the first place, my style of travelling was infinitely superior, being provided, by the Moorish Governor, with a double guard, and having also eleven mules allowed me to carry my baggage, which, with two muleteers, my interpreter, and servant, made no despicable appearance.  I had, besides, to contend with very stormy weather, which gave the country quite a different aspect.  From incessant rains, the rivers had overflowed, and nearly the whole of the country was under water, which rendered our journey not only difficult but dangerous.  We were obliged to halt for two days, near a village, till the waters subsided; and during this time we feasted on fine fresh-water fish, and wild fowl.  On the third day we proceeded; and here I must not omit an occurrence which served still further to give me an insight into the general character of this once powerful people.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, some would say, who weighed the perils I had to encounter in the accomplishment of my wishes) I passed, on the day the inhabitants were meeting, the annual Socco of St. Martin, so called from its being held at the place whence the river of that name takes its source.  I did not pass immediately over the spot, but so near, that I could perceive a multitude of people assembled together.  To obtain a better view of what they were about, notwithstanding the representations of my conductors, that no Christian was suffered to be present at this fair, I proceeded towards the crowd; but before I could reach the place, I was assailed by hundreds of people, who saluted me with such a discharge of stones, and even some fire-arms, that I was extremely glad to make good my retreat, which, with the aid of my guard, I effected, without sustaining any injury.

Enraged at being thus foiled in my attempt, I hit upon a plan the most likely to succeed in gratifying my curiosity; which was, to send the Serjeant to the Cadi, to insist upon going up to the fair, and threatening to complain to the Emperor if he refused me.  This had the desired effect.  A deputation was ordered by the Cadi, with assurances that I was welcome among them.  Accordingly, I repaired once more, to the scene of action.

The great show of cattle, sheep, &c. exposed for public sale, by men and women half naked, first attracted my attention; which was however soon diverted from them to a Moorish juggler, and a rope-dancer, the latter performing several feats of great muscular strength.  The people had formed a complete circle, sitting cross-legged round the rope-dancer.  He was making a good collection, when the arrival of a celebrated tweeb (the native term for a physician) spoiled his sport. 

Project Gutenberg
Travels through the Empire of Morocco from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.