The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4 eBook

American Anti-Slavery Society
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 888 pages of information about The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4.

The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4 eBook

American Anti-Slavery Society
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 888 pages of information about The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4.

I will now say a few words on George Thompson’s mission to this country.  This Philanthropist was accused of being a foreign emissary.  Were La Fayette, and Steuben, and De Kalb, foreign emissaries when they came over to America to fight against the tories, who preferred submitting to what was termed, “the yoke of servitude,” rather than bursting the fetters which bound them to the mother country? They came with carnal weapons to engage in bloody conflict against American citizens, and yet, where do their names stand on the page of History.  Among the honorable, or the low?  Thompson came here to war against the giant sin of slavery, not with the sword and the pistol, but with the smooth stones of oratory taken from the pure waters of the river of Truth.  His splendid talents and commanding eloquence rendered him a powerful coadjutor in the Anti-Slavery cause, and in order to neutralize the effects of these upon his auditors, and rob the poor slave of the benefits of his labors, his character was defamed, his life was sought, and he at last driven from our Republic, as a fugitive.  But was Thompson disgraced by all this mean and contemptible and wicked chicanery and malice?  No more than was Paul, when in consequence of a vision he had seen at Troas, he went over to Macedonia to help the Christians there, and was beaten and imprisoned, because he cast out a spirit of divination from a young damsel which had brought much gain to her masters.  Paul was as much a foreign emissary in the Roman colony of Philippi, as George Thompson was in America, and it was because he was a Jew, and taught customs it was not lawful for them to receive or observe, being Romans, that the Apostle was thus treated.

It was said, Thompson was a felon, who had fled to this country to escape transportation to New Holland.  Look at him now pouring the thundering strains of his eloquence, upon crowded audiences in Great Britain, and see in this a triumphant vindication of his character.  And have the slaveholder, and his obsequious apologist, gained any thing by all their violence and falsehood?  No! for the stone which struck Goliath of Gath, had already been thrown from the sling.  The giant of slavery who had so proudly defied the armies of the living God, had received his death-blow before he left our shores.  But what is George Thompson doing there?  Is he not now laboring there, as effectually to abolish American slavery as though he trod our own soil, and lectured to New York or Boston assemblies?  What is he doing there, but constructing a stupendous dam, which will turn the overwhelming tide of public opinion over the wheels of that machinery which Abolitionists are working here.  He is now lecturing to Britons on American Slavery, to the subjects of a King, on the abject condition of the slaves of a Republic.  He is telling them of that mighty confederacy of petty tyrants which extends ever thirteen States of our

Project Gutenberg
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.