Miles Wallingford eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 608 pages of information about Miles Wallingford.

Miles Wallingford eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 608 pages of information about Miles Wallingford.

“Well, Miles,” cried Marble, as he and I sat eating our dinner on deck, where Neb had been ordered to serve it, “you know what I’ve always said of your luck.  It’s proof ag’in every thing but Providence!  Die you must and will, some of these times; but, not until you’ve done something remarkable.  Sail with you, my boy!  I consider your company a standing policy of insurance, and have no sort of consarn about fortin, while I’m under your orders.  With any other man, I should be nothing but a bloody hermit, instead of the dutiful son and affectionate uncle I am.  But, what do you mean to perform next?”

“I have been thinking, Moses, our best step will be to shape our course for Hamburg, whither we are bound.  This northerly wind can’t last long at this season, and another south-wester would just serve our turn.  In ten days, or a fortnight, we might make our haven.”

“And then those French chaps that are attacking yonder kid of pork, as if it were a wild beast; the fellows never saw good solid food before!”

“Feed them well,—­treat them well—­and make them work.  They would never think of troubling us; nor do I suppose they know anything of navigation.  I see they smoke and chew; we will give ’em as much tobacco as their hearts can wish, or their mouths hold; and this will keep them in good humour.”

“And John Bull?”

“Why, John is another sort of a person to deal with, certainly, I am not sure that a third English cruiser would molest us.  We can keep our own secret concerning Sennit and his party; and we may not meet with another, after all.  My plan is to run close in with the English coast, and show our colours boldly;—­now, nine in ten of the British men-of-war will let us pass unquestioned, believing we are bound to London, unless they happen to have one of those pressing gentry, like Sennit, on board.  I have often been told that ships which pass close in with the English coast, generally pass unquestioned; by the large craft, uniformly;—­though they may have something to apprehend from the brigs and cutters.  Your small-fry always give the most trouble, Moses.”

“We have not found it so this v’y’ge, Miles.  However, you’re not only captain, but you’re owner; and I leave you to paddle your own canoe.  We must go somewhere; and I will not say your plan is not as good as any I can start, with thirty years more of experience.”

We talked the matter over, canvassing it in all its bearings, until it was settled to adopt it.

The ship was steered large, until the French coast was entirely sunk; and then we trimmed her by the wind, heading up as near to our course as the breeze would permit.  Nothing occurred in the course of the remainder of the day to produce either trouble or uneasiness, though my three Frenchmen came to certain explanations with me, that at first menaced a little difficulty.  They refused to work; and I was compelled to tell them, I should put them on board the first

Project Gutenberg
Miles Wallingford from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.