The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 667 pages of information about The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti.

The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 667 pages of information about The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Ludovico, who, as we have seen, was Podesta of Caprese and of Chiusi in the Casentino, had already one son by his first wife, Francesca, the daughter of Neri di Miniato del Sera and Bonda Rucellai.  This elder brother, Lionardo, grew to manhood, and become a devoted follower of Savonarola.  Under the influence of the Ferrarese friar, he determined to abjure the world, and entered the Dominican Order in 1491.  We know very little about him, and he is only once mentioned in Michelangelo’s correspondence.  Even this reference cannot be considered certain.  Writing to his father from Rome, July 1, 1497, Michelangelo says:  “I let you know that Fra Lionardo returned hither to Rome.  He says that he was forced to fly from Viterbo, and that his frock had been taken from him, wherefore he wished to go there (i.e., to Florence).  So I gave him a golden ducat, which he asked for; and I think you ought already to have learned this, for he should be there by this time.”  When Lionardo died is uncertain.  We only know that he was in the convent of S. Mark at Florence in the year 1510.  Owing to this brother’s adoption of the religious life, Michelangelo became, early in his youth, the eldest son of Lodovico’s family.  It will be seen that during the whole course of his long career he acted as the mainstay of his father, and as father to his younger brothers.  The strength and the tenacity of his domestic affections are very remarkable in a man who seems never to have thought of marrying.  “Art,” he used to say, “is a sufficiently exacting mistress.”  Instead of seeking to beget children for his own solace, he devoted himself to the interests of his kinsmen.

The office of Podesta lasted only six months, and at the expiration of this term Lodovico returned to Florence.  He put the infant Michelangelo out to nurse in the village of Settignano, where the Buonarroti Simoni owned a farm.  Most of the people of that district gained their livelihood in the stone-quarries around Settignano and Maiano on the hillside of Fiesole.  Michelangelo’s foster-mother was the daughter and the wife of stone-cutters.  “George,” said he in after-years to his friend Vasari, “if I possess anything of good in my mental constitution, it comes from my having been born in your keen climate of Arezzo; just as I drew the chisel and the mallet with which I carve statues in together with my nurse’s milk.”

When Michelangelo was of age to go to school, his father put him under a grammarian at Florence named Francesco da Urbino.  It does not appear, however, that he learned more than reading and writing in Italian, for later on in life we find him complaining that he knew no Latin.  The boy’s genius attracted him irresistibly to art.  He spent all his leisure time in drawing, and frequented the society of youths who were apprenticed to masters in painting and sculpture.  Among these he contracted an intimate friendship with Francesco Granacci, at that time in the workshop of

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.