The Bent Twig eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about The Bent Twig.

The Bent Twig eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about The Bent Twig.

At the sound of the opening door, and his name spoken in a quavering voice, the young man turned, paused an instant as if blinded by the vision, and sprang forward.  The door behind Sylvia swung shut, and her eyes, widening in the dusk, saw only the headlong, overwhelming rush upon her of her lover.  She was enfolded strongly in muscular arms, she was pressed closer and yet closer to a powerful body, whose heat burned through the thin broadcloth, she was breathless, stunned, choked.  As the man bent forward over her, clasping her to him, her flexible spine bent and her head drooped backward, her face with its flush all gone, gleaming white in the dusk.  At this he rained kisses on it, on her eyes, hair, cheeks, mouth, the burning softness of his full lips seeming to leave a smear on her skin where they pressed it.  Still holding her with one arm, pressed to him as though the two young bodies were gripped together by a vice, he loosened the other arm and thrust it at the back of her dress, through the flimsy gauze of her scarf, down next her body.  His stiff cuff caught on the edge of her dress, and his sleeve slid up—­it was his bare arm against her naked flesh.  He gave a savage, smothered, gasping exclamation, pressed his fingers deeply into her side, still kissing her passionately, her neck, her shoulders, burying his hot face in her bosom.

It was the girl’s body which acted, since at the first instant of the whirlwind which had broken over her, her mind had been shocked into a swooning paralysis.  Only her strong, sound body, hardened by work, fortified by outdoor exercise, was ready in its every fiber for this moment.  Her body bent suddenly like a spring of fine steel, its strength momentarily more than a match for his, and thrust the man from her with staggering violence.  Her reaction from him was as physical a sensation as though she had bitten into a tempting fruit and found it not sweet—­not even bitter—­but nasty.  She sickened at the sight of him.

As he caught his balance, laughing a little but not at all good-naturedly, and started back towards her with a dangerous dark face of excited anger and desire, his headlong rush was checked an instant by the fierce eyes which flamed at him from her crimson face.  Even her neck and shoulders were now scarlet.  She held him off for the space of a breath, giving one deep exclamation, “Oh!” short, sharply exhaled, almost like a blow in his face.

But his blood was up as well as hers, and after his momentary pause, he rushed forward again, his handsome, blond face black with passion.

Sylvia stooped, gathered up her skirts, turned, burst open the door, and fled out of the room, running in her high-heeled satin slippers as she did on the track in the Gymnasium, with long, deer-like bounds.  In a flash she had crossed the wide hall—­which was as it happened empty, although she would not have slackened her pace for all the assembled company—­and was darting arrow-like up the stairs, her torn scarf flying behind her like a banner.  Her flight had been so unexpected and so swift that young Fiske did not attempt to follow her; but she reached her room, flung the door shut, and locked it with as much precipitancy as though he were on her heels, instead of standing quite still, open-mouthed, where she had left him.

Project Gutenberg
The Bent Twig from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.