Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader.

Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader.

Encouraged by favors already received from Infinite Goodness, gratefully acknowledging them, earnestly imploring their continuance, constantly endeavoring to draw them down on your heads by an amendment of your lives, and a conformity to the Divine will, humbly confiding in the protection so often and wonderfully experienced, vigorously employ the means placed by Providence in your hands for completing your labors.

Fill up your battalions—­be prepared in every part to repel the incursions of your enemies—­place your several quotas in the continental treasury—­lend money for public uses—­sink the emissions of your respective States—­provide effectually for expediting the conveyance of supplies for your armies and fleets, and for your allies—­prevent the produce of the country from being monopolized—­effectually superintend the behavior of public officers—­diligently promote piety, virtue, brotherly love, learning, frugality, and moderation—­and may you be approved before Almighty God, worthy of those blessings we devoutly wish you to enjoy.

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=_John Adams, 1735-1826._= (Manual, p. 486.)

From his “Life and Works.”


JAMES OTIS, of Boston, sprang from families among the earliest of the planters of the Colonies, and the most respectable in rank, while the word rank, and the idea annexed to it, were tolerated in America.  He was a gentleman of general science and extensive literature.  He had been an indefatigable student during the whole course of his education in college and at the bar.  He was well versed in Greek and Roman history, philosophy, oratory, poetry, and mythology.  His classical studies had been unusually ardent, and his acquisitions uncommonly great....  It was a maxim which he inculcated on his pupils, as his patron in the profession, Mr. Gridley, had done before him, “that a lawyer ought never to be without a volume of natural or public law, or moral philosophy, on his table or in his pocket.”  In the history, the common law, and statute laws, of England, he had no superior, at least in Boston.

Thus qualified to resist the system of usurpation and despotism, meditated by the British ministry, under the auspices of the Earl of Bute, Mr. Otis resigned his commission from the crown, as Advocate-General,—­an office very lucrative at that time, and a sure road to the highest favors of government in America,—­and engaged in the cause of his country without fee or reward.  His argument, speech, discourse, oration, harangue,—­call it by which name you will, was the most impressive upon his crowded audience of any that I ever heard before or since, excepting only many speeches by himself in Faneuil Hall, and in the House of Representatives, which he made from time to time for ten years afterwards.  There were no stenographers in those days.  Speeches were not printed; and all that was not remembered,

Project Gutenberg
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.