History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War, and Other Items of Interest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War, and Other Items of Interest.

History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War, and Other Items of Interest eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War, and Other Items of Interest.

During the second day’s fighting Mrs. Porter, escorted by a general whom she has known for many years, rode almost to the firing line.  Bullets whistled about her head, but she rode bravely on until her curiosity was satisfied.  Then she rode leisurely back to safety.  She came back filled with admiration of the colored troops.  She described them as being “brave in battle, obedient under orders and philosophical under privations.”

Thanks to Mrs. Porter, the wife of the President’s private secretary.  Mrs. Porter is one of heaven’s blessings, sent as a messenger of “The Ship” earth, to testify in America what she saw of the Negro troops in Cuba.

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(As Presented in the N.Y.  World.)

General Shafter put a human rope of 22,400 men around Santiago, with its 26,000 Spanish soldiers, and then Spain succumbed in despair.  In a semi-circle extending around Santiago, from Daliquiri on the east clear around to Cobre on the west, our troops were stretched a cordon of almost impenetrable thickness and strength.  First came General Bates, with the Ninth, Tenth, Third, Thirteenth, Twenty-first and Twenty-fourth U.S.  Infantry.  On his right crouched General Sumner, commanding the Third, Sixth and Ninth U.S.  Cavalry.  Next along the arc were the Seventh, Twelfth and Seventeenth U.S.  Infantry under General Chaffee.  Then, advantageously posted, there were six batteries of artillery prepared to sweep the horizon under direction of General Randolph.  General Jacob Kent, with the Seventy-first New York Volunteers and the Sixth and Sixteenth U.S.  Infantry, held the centre.  They were flanked by General Wheeler and the Rough Riders, dismounted; eight troops of the First U.S.  Volunteers, four troops of the Second U.S.  Cavalry, four light batteries, two heavy batteries and then four more troops of the Second U.S.  Cavalry.

Santiago’s Killed and Wounded Compared With Historic Battles.

Battle; Men Engaged.; Killed and Wounded.; Per Ct.  Lost.

Agincourt; 62,000; 11,400; .18
Alma; 103,000; 8,400; .08
Bannockburn; 135,000; 38,000; .28
Borodino; 250,000; 78,000; .31
Cannae; 146,000; 52,000; .34
Cressy; 117,000; 31,000; .27
Gravelotte; 396,000; 52,000; .16
Sadowa; 291,000; 33,000; .11
Waterloo; 221,000; 51,000; .23
Antietam; 87,000; 31,000; .29
Austerlitz; 154,000; 38,000; .48
Gettysburg; 185,000; 34,000; .44
Sedan; 314,000; 47,000; .36
Santiago; 22,400; 1,457; .07
El Caney; 3,300; 650; .19
San Juan; 6,000; 745; .12
Aguadores; 2,400; 62; .02


General Lawton, with the Second Massachusetts and the Eighth and Twenty-second U.S.  Infantry, came next.  Then General Duffield’s command, comprising the volunteers from Michigan (Thirty-third and Third Regiments), and the Ninth Massachusetts, stretched along until Gen. Ludlow’s men were reached.  These comprised the First Illinois, First District of Columbia, Eighth Ohio, running up to the Eighth and Twenty-second Regulars and the Bay State men.  Down by the shore across from Morro and a little way inland Generals Henry and Garretson had posted the Sixth Illinois and the crack Sixth Massachusetts, flanking the railroad line to Cobre.

Project Gutenberg
History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War, and Other Items of Interest from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.