Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).

Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about Reform Cookery Book (4th edition).

For diabetic and anaemic patients there are one or two other valuable foods now on the market specially prepared to nourish and enrich the blood, while at the same time starving the disease.  Barley Malt Meal is specially good, also a recent “Wallaceite” product, “Stamina Food.”

The “Manhu” Diabetic Foods

are well known and highly recommended.  The following

“Manhu” Diabetic Savoury

will be welcome to those whose dietary is of necessity so restricted. 1/2 pint Savoury Tea (p. 90) or diluted “Extract,” 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful “Manhu” Diabetic Food, 1/2 oz. butter, salt and pepper.

Melt butter in saucepan, add the food, and mix over slow fire till butter is absorbed.  Add the savoury liquid, cook for a few minutes, add seasoning, beat in yolk of egg, then the white stiffly beaten.  Mix lightly.  Pour into pie-dish, and bake in quick oven for 15 minutes.

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A Realised Ideal In Food Production.

Ideal Food Reform means much more than “going without meat.”  It means the use of only such foods as will thoroughly nourish the body without injuring it.

For instance, most popular biscuits are made from an impoverished white flour, and raised with chemicals, which injure the system.  Again, white bread is an artificial one-sided food, and is raised with yeast.  Yeast is a ferment, the product of brewery vats, and is not expelled from the loaf by baking.

Thorough-going Food Reform demands bread, biscuits, &c., made with entire whole wheat flour, and free from chemicals, yeast, and other impurities.  This is a high ideal:  can it be realised?

It has been realised.  The Wallace P.R.  Foods Co. was founded expressly for-the purpose of making bread, biscuits, cakes, and other foods on scientific principles, which a great London “daily” has described as

100 Years in Advance of the Age.

In this model bakery the only flour used throughout is an entire wheatmeal ground to a marvellous fineness; and all other ingredients are the very best and purest.  Chemicals, cheap fats, and yeast are banished.

Thousands have proved that the regular daily use of the P.R.  Biscuits, Bread, &c., not only delights the palate, but eradicates many stubborn diseases, and brings about a steady improvement of health in cases where drugs, patent medicines, and all other unnatural methods have failed.

30 Samples of delicious Bread, Cake, Biscuits, and Coffee, 1/6 carr. paid.

Box Biscuits and Coffee only, 1/3 carr. paid.

P.R.  Specialities are stocked by all Health Food Stores.

Sole Makers:_

The Wallace P.R.  Foods Co.

465 Battersea Park Rd., London, S.W.

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Project Gutenberg
Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.