The Custom of the Country eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 534 pages of information about The Custom of the Country.

The Custom of the Country eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 534 pages of information about The Custom of the Country.

“I shall write—­of course I shall write some day,” he said, turning back to his seat.  “I’ve had a novel in the back of my head for years; and now’s the time to pull it out.”

He hardly knew what he was saying; but before the end of the sentence he saw that Clare had understood what he meant to convey, and henceforth he felt committed to letting her talk to him as much as she pleased about his book.  He himself, in consequence, took to thinking about it more consecutively; and just as his friends ceased to urge him to write, he sat down in earnest to begin.

The vision that had come to him had no likeness to any of his earlier imaginings.  Two or three subjects had haunted him, pleading for expression, during the first years of his marriage; but these now seemed either too lyrical or too tragic.  He no longer saw life on the heroic scale:  he wanted to do something in which men should look no bigger than the insects they were.  He contrived in the course of time to reduce one of his old subjects to these dimensions, and after nights of brooding he made a dash at it, and wrote an opening chapter that struck him as not too bad.  In the exhilaration of this first attempt he spent some pleasant evenings revising and polishing his work; and gradually a feeling of authority and importance developed in him.  In the morning, when he woke, instead of his habitual sense of lassitude, he felt an eagerness to be up and doing, and a conviction that his individual task was a necessary part of the world’s machinery.  He kept his secret with the beginner’s deadly fear of losing his hold on his half-real creations if he let in any outer light on them; but he went about with a more assured step, shrank less from meeting his friends, and even began to dine out again, and to laugh at some of the jokes he heard.

Laura Fairford, to get Paul away from town, had gone early to the country; and Ralph, who went down to her every Saturday, usually found Clare Van Degen there.  Since his divorce he had never entered his cousin’s pinnacled palace; and Clare had never asked him why he stayed away.  This mutual silence had been their sole allusion to Van Degen’s share in the catastrophe, though Ralph had spoken frankly of its other aspects.  They talked, however, most often of impersonal subjects—­books, pictures, plays, or whatever the world that interested them was doing—­and she showed no desire to draw him back to his own affairs.  She was again staying late in town—­to have a pretext, as he guessed, for coming down on Sundays to the Fairfords’—­and they often made the trip together in her motor; but he had not yet spoken to her of having begun his book.  One May evening, however, as they sat alone in the verandah, he suddenly told her that he was writing.  As he spoke his heart beat like a boy’s; but once the words were out they gave him a feeling of self-confidence, and he began to sketch his plan, and then to go into its details.  Clare listened devoutly, her eyes burning on him through the dusk like the stars deepening above the garden; and when she got up to go in he followed her with a new sense of reassurance.

Project Gutenberg
The Custom of the Country from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.