Taquisara eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 538 pages of information about Taquisara.

Taquisara eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 538 pages of information about Taquisara.

“I loved her.  That was perhaps an illness also, for I never suffered in that way again.  It was very terrible, for I knew what a great sin it was to love my father’s wife.  I never told her that I loved her, and she was always the same, kind and good.  My heart was red-hot iron in my breast, day and night, and it was very long before I was really well again.  After that, I confessed my sin many times, but I could not feel repentance for it.  My father wondered, and so did she, why I would not go back to the seminary for the few months that remained to complete my studies.  It would have been better if I had gone back.  But I loved her, and I could not.  I could not confess the sin in my heart to the confessor of the seminary, for whom I had great esteem and who had known me so long, I was ashamed, and waited, thinking that it would pass.  But I wished to escape.

“I joined myself as a lay brother to a Franciscan mission that was going to Africa.  My father made many objections to this, but I overcame them.  I think he guessed that I loved his wife, and though he loved me, too, he was glad that I should go away.  As for me, I trusted that in the labours of a distant mission I should forget my love, feel honest repentance, receive absolution, and be ordained a true priest by a missionary bishop.

“We were seven who started together upon that mission.  After two years I alone was left alive.  One after the other they died of the fever of that country.  We had written for help, but I knew afterwards that our letters had not reached the sea.  That was why no one came to bring help.  We had converted people amongst those savages and had built a chapel.  Even those who were not converted were friendly, for we had taught them many things.  My companions all died, one by one, and I buried the last.  But I myself was never ill of the fever.  Yet the people there clung around me.  I committed a great sin.  They had no priest, and they did not understand that I was not one, for I dressed like the others.  If there were no more services in the little chapel, they would think that Christianity was dead, and they would fall back to their former condition.  I took the sin upon myself, and I said mass for them, knowing that it was no mass, and praying that God would forgive me, and that it might not be a sacrilege.  I did not fall ill.  I lived amongst them, and received their confessions and administered all the sacraments when they were required, for the space of a year and a half, during which I sent many appeals for help.  But in my letters I did not explain what I was doing, for I intended to go to the bishop if I ever got home alive, and confess to him.

Project Gutenberg
Taquisara from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.