A Woman's Journey Round the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 642 pages of information about A Woman's Journey Round the World.

A Woman's Journey Round the World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 642 pages of information about A Woman's Journey Round the World.

The houses are built in the European fashion, but are small and insignificant; most of them have only a ground-floor or single story,—­two stories are rarely met with.  Neither are there any terraces and verandahs adorned with elegant trellis-work and flowers, as there are in other warm countries.  Ugly little balconies hang from the walls, while clumsy wooden shutters close up the windows, and prevent the smallest sunbeam from penetrating into the rooms, where everything is enveloped in almost perfect darkness.  This, however, is a matter of the greatest indifference to the Brazilian ladies, who certainly never over-fatigue themselves with reading or working.

The town offers, therefore, very little in the way of squares, streets, and buildings, which, for a stranger, can prove in the least attractive; while the people that he meets are truly shocking—­ nearly all being negroes and negresses, with flat, ugly noses, thick lips, and short woolly hair.  They are, too, generally half naked, with only a few miserable rags on their backs, or else they are thrust into the worn-out European-cut clothes of their masters.  To every four or five blacks may be reckoned a mulatto, and it is only here and there that a white man is to be seen.

This horrible picture is rendered still more revolting by the frequent bodily infirmities which everywhere meet the eye:  among these elephantiasis, causing horrible club-feet, is especially conspicuous; there is, too, no scarcity of persons afflicted with blindness and other ills.  Even the cats and dogs, that run about the gutters in great numbers, partake of the universal ugliness:  most of them are covered with the mange, or are full of wounds and sores.  I should like to be endowed with the magic power of transporting hither every traveller who starts back with affright from the lanes of Constantinople, and asserts that the sight of the interior of this city destroys the effect produced by it when viewed at a distance.

It is true that the interior of Constantinople is exceedingly dirty, and that the number of small houses, the narrow streets, the unevenness of the pavement, the filthy dogs, etc., do not strike the beholder as excessively picturesque; but then he soon comes upon some magnificent edifice of the time of the Moors or Romans, some wondrous mosque or majestic palace, and can continue his walk through endless cemeteries and forests of dreamy cypresses.  He steps aside before a pasha or priest of high rank, who rides by on his noble steed, surrounded by a brilliant retinue; he encounters Turks in splendid costumes, and Turkish women with eyes that flash through their veils like fire; he beholds Persians with their high caps, Arabs with their nobly-formed features, dervises in fools’- caps and plaited petticoats like women, and, now and then, some carriage, beautifully painted and gilt, drawn by superbly caparisoned oxen.  All these different objects fully make up for whatever amount of dirtiness may occasionally be met with.  In Rio Janeiro, however, there is nothing that can in any way amuse, or atone for the horrible and disgusting sights which everywhere meet the eye.

Project Gutenberg
A Woman's Journey Round the World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.