Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.

Dogs and All about Them eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 437 pages of information about Dogs and All about Them.

STANDARD OF POINTS OF THE SCHIPPERKE CLUB, ENGLAND:  HEAD—­Foxy in type; skull should not be round, but broad, and with little stop.  The muzzle should be moderate in length, fine but not weak, should be well filled out under the eyes.  NOSE—­Black and small.  EYES—­Dark brown, small, more oval than round, and not full; bright, and full of expression.  EARS—­Shape:  Of moderate length, not too broad at the base, tapering to a point.  Carriage:  Stiffly erect, and when in that position the inside edge to form as near as possible a right angle with the skull and strong enough not to be bent otherwise than lengthways.  TEETH—­Strong and level.  NECK—­Strong and full, rather short, set broad on the shoulders and slightly arched.  SHOULDERS—­Muscular and sloping.  CHEST—­Broad and deep in brisket.  BACK—­Short, straight, and strong.  LOINS—­Powerful, well drawn up from the brisket.  FORE-LEGS—­Perfectly straight, well under the body, with bone in proportion to the body.  HIND-LEGS—­Strong, muscular, hocks well let down.  FEET—­Small, catlike, and standing well on the toes.  NAILS—­Black.  HIND-QUARTERS—­Fine compared to the fore-parts, muscular and well-developed thighs, tailless, rump well rounded.  COAT—­Black, abundant, dense, and harsh, smooth on the head, ears and legs, lying close on the back and sides, but erect and thick round the neck, forming a mane and frill, and well feathered on back of thighs.  WEIGHT—­About twelve pounds.  GENERAL APPEARANCE—­A small cobby animal with sharp expression, intensely lively, presenting the appearance of being always on the alert.  DISQUALIFYING POINTS—­Drop, or semi-erect ears.  FAULTS—­White hairs are objected to, but are not disqualifying.

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The back of the Schipperke is described as straight, but it should round off at the rump, which should be rotund and full, guinea-pig-like.  The continued straight line of a terrier’s back is not desirable, but it will frequently be found in specimens that have been docked.  The Belgian standard requires the legs to be “fine,” and not have much bone.  The bone of a terrier is only met with in coarse Schipperkes.  As to size, it need only be noted that the maximum of the small size, viz., 12 lbs., is that generally preferred in England, as well as in Belgium.  Further, it is only necessary to remark that the Schipperke is a dog of quality, of distinct characteristics, cobby in appearance, not long in the back, nor high on the leg; the muzzle must not be weak and thin, nor short and blunt; and, finally, he is not a prick-eared, black wire-haired terrier.

Project Gutenberg
Dogs and All about Them from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.