Our Saviour eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 9 pages of information about Our Saviour.

Our Saviour eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 9 pages of information about Our Saviour.
their angels do always behold the face of My Father.”  You, little children who read this book, must remember that you are just as much the care of your Good Shepherd now, as were those privileged ones of old who actually saw Him face to face, you must have faith in Him as they had, and believe that though you cannot see Him now, He is still, and always at your side, seeing all you do, hearing all you say, watching over you, and, if you will only let Him, willing to guide you safely to the Home in Heaven which He has gone to prepare for those that love Him and try to do His will.

[Illustration:  The Last Supper.]

Feeling that He must go through Samaria, where He had not yet preached, our Saviour travelled on alone and came to a well which is called Jacob’s well; being very weary He seated Himself on the edge to rest.  He was very thirsty also, and on a woman coming up with a pitcher, He asked her to draw Him some water:  when He had drunk, He said that if she knew who He was she would have asked Him for water instead, for He could give her the Living Water of Everlasting Life.  Then He told her who He was, and she went away to the city telling every one she met Whom she had seen:  some of the disciples then joined Him, and Jesus remained two days in the city preaching so that many believed in Him, and on the way back into Galilee He healed a nobleman’s son of a mortal sickness.


On returning to Bethany, Jesus heard that Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, two sisters whom He loved, had died during His absence.  Martha met Him weeping, and told Him of their grief saying “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died,” for she knew Jesus would have saved him.  Jesus Himself wept to see their sorrow, and going to the grave ordered the stone to be rolled away and called Lazarus to come forth; Lazarus did so, and many of those present believed in Jesus, but others went away and told the High Priests and rulers, who were much troubled, for they said “If we let this man go many will believe in Him, and His adherents will become too powerful, and will take our nation away from us.”

The people of Bethany made a supper for our Lord, and Lazarus and Martha and Mary were there, together with the disciples; the Feast of the Passover was near, and Jerusalem was crowded, and the Chief Priests became still more uneasy for more and more of the people every day believed in Christ, and when they heard He was coming to Jerusalem went out to meet Him with branches of palm, crying “Hosannah—­Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord,” and the people said “Behold, the world is gone after Him.”


Project Gutenberg
Our Saviour from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.