A Century of Negro Migration eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about A Century of Negro Migration.

A Century of Negro Migration eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about A Century of Negro Migration.

Davidson, A., and Stowe, B. A Complete History of Illinois from 1673 to 1873. (Springfield, 1874.) It embraces the physical features of the country, its early explorations, aboriginal inhabitants, the French and British occupation, the conquest of Virginia, territorial condition and subsequent events.

Delany, M.R. The Condition, Elevation, Emigration and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States:  politically considered.  (Philadelphia, 1852.)

DuBois, W.E.B. The Philadelphia Negro:  A Social Study.  Together with a special report on domestic service by Isabel Eaton. (Philadelphia, 1899.)

------Atlanta University Publications, The Negro Common School. 
(Atlanta, 1901.)
------The Negro Church. (Atlanta, 1903.)
------and Dill, A.G. The College-Bred Negro American. (Atlanta,
------The Negro American Artisan. (Atlanta, 1912.)

De Toqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel De. Democracy in America.  Translated by Henry Reeve.  Four volumes. (London, 1835, 1840.)

Eaton, John. Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen:  reminiscences of the Civil War with special reference to the work for the Contrabands, and the Freedmen of the Mississippi Valley. (New York, 1907.)

Epstein. The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh. (Pittsburgh, 1917.)

Exposition of the Object and Plan of the American Union for the Belief and Improvement of the Colored Race. (Boston, 1835.)

Fee, John G. Anti-Slavery Manual. (Maysville, 1848.)

Fertig, James Walter. The Secession and Reconstruction of
. (Chicago, 1898.)

Frost, W.G.  “Appalachian America.” (In vol. i of The Americana.)
(New York, 1912.)

Garnett, H.H. The Past and Present Condition and the Destiny of the
Colored Race
. (Troy, 1848.)

Greely, Horace. The American Conflict.  A history of the great rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-64, its causes, incidents and results:  intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases, with the drift of progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the war for its union. (Chicago, 1864.)

Hammond, M.B. The Cotton Industry:  an Essay in American Economic History.  It deals with the cotton culture and the cotton Trade. (New York, 1897.)

Hart, A.B. The Southern South. (New York, 1906.)

Henson, Josiah. The Life of Josiah Henson. (Boston, 1849.)

Hershaw, L.M. Peonage in the United States.  This is one of the
American Negro Academy Papers. (Washington, 1912.)

Hickok, Charles Thomas. The Negro in Ohio, 1802-1870. (Cleveland, 1896.)

Hodgkin, Thomas A. Inquiry into the Merits of the American Colonization Society and Reply to the Charges brought against it with an Account of the British African Colonization Society. (London, 1833.)

Project Gutenberg
A Century of Negro Migration from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.