After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 524 pages of information about After Waterloo.

After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 524 pages of information about After Waterloo.

Caffarelli, Statue of, in Palais du Luxembourg. 
Canova, works of, in St Peter’s, master-pieces in his atelier in Rome; character of his genius. 
Capellen, Baron de, proclamation of, to the inhabitants of Brussels. 
Capua, thievishness of lower classes of. 
Carbonari, degrees and initiation, object; meaning of name. 
Castlereagh, Lord:  insolent letter of, respecting King of Saxony. 
Catalani:  singing of. 
Ceylon:  Frye’s travels in. 
Chalon:  affection felt for Napoleon in,
 Austrian officers in. 
Charleroy:  defeat of Prussian army at. 
Chateaubriand:  at the Court of Louis XVIII at Ghent. 
Chatham, Earl of:  indignation of, at employment of Indians in the War
      of Independence. 
Clermont:  Peter the Hermit preaches First Crusade in, petrifying well;
 Swiss regiment; anonymous denunciations; method of cleansing town. 
Coblentz:  monument to Marceau,
 Bourbon intrigues with Jacobins and Brissotins. 
Code Napoleon:  simplicity and advantages of, as compared with
      English criminal law. 
Cologne:  Cathedral, the three kings; the eleven thousand virgins; etymology of the name;
 Jean-Marie Farina. 
Cremona:  Gothic buildings,
 Campanile of Cathedral. 
Consalvi, Cardinal:  character and abilities of. 
Campagna:  limbs of quartered malefactors hung up on roadsides, armed peasants; the malaria.

David:  pictures by, in Palais du Luxembourg. 
De l’Epee, Abbe:  founder of the Institution of the Sourds-Muets
Dessaix:  Statue of, in Palais du Luxembourg. 
De Watteville:  disbands his army. 
Delille, Abbe, his poetry. 
De Boigne, General:  his great services to Scindiah, unjustly accused of treachery towards Tippoo Sahb. 
Didier:  handed over by the Sardinian Government to the French, his execution at Grenoble. 
Dijon:  the town, manufactories of. 
Dionigi, Mme:  literary and artistic attainments of. 
D’Orfei, Mme.
Dresden:  The Japanischer Palast, music in;
 Prince Galhitzin; the King; bridge over the Elbe;
 Marshal Davoust;
 Grosser Garten;
 Ressource Club; etiquette; title of “Rath”; theatres; beds; scholars. 
Duchesnois, Mlle:  fine acting of.

Egypt:  striking testimony to the good done by the French in. 
Ehrenbreitstein:  flying bridge, great natural strength; beauty of women of. 
Ellis, Col.  Sir H.:  perishes at Waterloo. 
Emigres, the:  incorrigibility of; ingratitude to Napoleon; their foolish expectations; efforts to cause restoration of lands formerly theirs. 
Ens:  whirlpool; the Waternixie. 
Erfurt:  legend of Count Gleichen. 
Espinassy, General:  republican principles of. 
Eton:  principles instilled into boys at. 
Eustace, Mr:  examples of his credulity and bigotry.

Project Gutenberg
After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.