Parent and Child Volume III., Child Study and Training eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Parent and Child Volume III., Child Study and Training.

Parent and Child Volume III., Child Study and Training eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Parent and Child Volume III., Child Study and Training.

12.  The Child and His Religion, Dawson, University of Chicago Press. $.75.

13.  Child Nature and Child Nurture, St. John, Pilgrim Press. $.50.

14.  The Problem of Boyhood, Johnson, University of Chicago Press. $1.00.

15.  The Function of the Family and the Recovery of the Home, American Baptist Pub.  Soc.  Each, $.15.

16.  The Dawn of Character, Mumford, Longsman, Green & Co. $1.20.

17.  Peril and Preservation of the Home, Jacob Riis, Jacobs Co., Philadelphia. $1.00.

18.  Training of the Girl and Training of the Boy, McKeever, Macmillan. 
    Each, $1.50.

19.  The Moral Conditions and Development of the Child, Wright, Jennings
    & Graham. $.75.

20.  Marriage and Genetics, Reed, Galton Press, Cincinnati, Ohio. $1.00.

21.  The Coming Generation, Forbush, D. Appleton & Co., New York. $1.50.

22.  Stories and Story Telling, St. John Eaton and Main. $.35.

23.  Our Child Today and Tomorrow, Grunenburg, Lippincott. $1.25.

24.  Misunderstood Children, Harrison. $1.23.

25.  Town and City, Jewett, Ginn & Co. $.50.

26.  After Twenty Years, Middleton. $1.25.

27.  Training of the Human Plant, Burbank. $.60.

28.  Education, Resources of Rural and Village Communities, J.K.  Mart $1.00.

29.  Being Well Born, Guyer. $1.00.

30.  Growth in Education, Dr. John M. Tyler, Houghton, Mifflin Co. $1.50.

Project Gutenberg
Parent and Child Volume III., Child Study and Training from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.