Moon-Face eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Moon-Face.

Moon-Face eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about Moon-Face.

“What’d he say?”

“That eighteen other girls had already been there that week.”

“Gave you the icy mit, eh?” The moon-faced young man laughed and slapped his thighs.  “You see, we’re kind of suspicious.  The Sunday papers ’d like to get Amateur Night done up brown in a nice little package, and the manager don’t see it that way.  Gets wild-eyed at the thought of it.”

“And what’s your turn?” she asked.

“Who? me?  Oh, I’m doin’ the tramp act tonight.  I’m Charley Welsh, you know.”

She felt that by the mention of his name he intended to convey to her complete enlightenment, but the best she could do was to say politely, “Oh, is that so?”

She wanted to laugh at the hurt disappointment which came into his face, but concealed her amusement.

“Come, now,” he said brusquely, “you can’t stand there and tell me you’ve never heard of Charley Welsh?  Well, you must be young.  Why, I’m an Only, the Only amateur at that.  Sure, you must have seen me.  I’m everywhere.  I could be a professional, but I get more dough out of it by doin’ the amateur.”

“But what’s an ’Only’?” she queried.  “I want to learn.”

“Sure,” Charley Welsh said gallantly.  “I’ll put you wise.  An ‘Only’ is a nonpareil, the feller that does one kind of a turn better’n any other feller.  He’s the Only, see?”

And Edna saw.

“To get a line on the biz,” he continued, “throw yer lamps on me.  I’m the Only all-round amateur.  To-night I make a bluff at the tramp act.  It’s harder to bluff it than to really do it, but then it’s acting, it’s amateur, it’s art.  See?  I do everything, from Sheeny monologue to team song and dance and Dutch comedian.  Sure, I’m Charley Welsh, the Only Charley Welsh.”

And in this fashion, while the thin, dark man and the large, blond woman warbled dulcetly out on the stage and the other professionals followed in their turns, did Charley Welsh put Edna wise, giving her much miscellaneous and superfluous information and much that she stored away for the Sunday Intelligencer.

“Well, tra la loo,” he said suddenly.  “There’s his highness chasin’ you up.  Yer first on the bill.  Never mind the row when you go on.  Just finish yer turn like a lady.”

It was at that moment that Edna felt her journalistic ambition departing from her, and was aware of an overmastering desire to be somewhere else.  But the stage manager, like an ogre, barred her retreat.  She could hear the opening bars of her song going up from the orchestra and the noises of the house dying away to the silence of anticipation.

“Go ahead,” Letty whispered, pressing her hand; and from the other side came the peremptory “Don’t flunk!” of Charley Welsh.

But her feet seemed rooted to the floor, and she leaned weakly against a shift scene.  The orchestra was beginning over again, and a lone voice from the house piped with startling distinctness: 

Project Gutenberg
Moon-Face from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.