At Sunwich Port, Part 5. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about At Sunwich Port, Part 5..

At Sunwich Port, Part 5. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 48 pages of information about At Sunwich Port, Part 5..

It was the more unfortunate as he thought that he had of late detected a slight softening in Captain Nugent’s manner towards him.  On two occasions the captain, who was out when he called, had made no comment to find upon his return that the visitor was being entertained by his daughter, going so far, indeed, as to permit the conversation to gain vastly in interest by that young person remaining in the room.  In face of this improvement he thought with dismay of having to confess failure in a scheme which apart from success was inexcusable.

The captain had also unbent in another direction, and Mr. Wilks, to his great satisfaction, was allowed to renew his visits to Equator Lodge and assist his old master in the garden.  Here at least the steward was safe from the designs of Mrs. Silk and the innuendoes of Fullalove Alley.

It was at this time, too, that the widow stood in most need of his advice, the behaviour of Edward Silk being of a nature to cause misgivings in any mother’s heart.  A strange restlessness possessed him, varied with occasional outbursts of hilarity and good nature.  Dark hints emanated from him at these times concerning a surprise in store for her at no distant date, hints which were at once explained away in a most unsatisfactory manner when she became too pressing in her inquiries.  He haunted the High Street, and when the suspicious Mrs. Silk spoke of Amelia he only laughed and waxed humorous over such unlikely subjects as broken hearts and broken vows.

It was a week after Mr. Kybird’s visit to the alley that he went, as usual, for a stroll up and down the High Street.  The evening was deepening, and some of the shops had already lit up, as Mr. Silk, with his face against the window-pane, tried in vain to penetrate the obscurity of Mr. Kybird’s shop.  He could just make out a dim figure behind the counter, which he believed to be Amelia, when a match was struck and a gas jet threw a sudden light in the shop and revealed Mr. Jack Nugent standing behind the counter with his hand on the lady’s shoulder.

[Illustration:  “He could just make out a dim figure behind the counter.”]

One glance was sufficient.  The next moment there was a sharp cry from Miss Kybird and a bewildered stare from Nugent as something, only comparable to a human cracker, bounced into the shop and commenced to explode before them.

“Take your ’and off,” raved Mr. Silk.  “Leave ’er alone.  ’Ow dare you?  D’ye hear me?  ’Melia, I won’t ’ave it!  I won’t ’ave it!”

“Don’t be silly, Teddy,” remonstrated Mr. Nugent, following up Miss Kybird, as she edged away from him.

“Leave ’er alone, d’ye ’ear?” yelled Mr. Silk, thumping the counter with his small fist.  “She’s my wife!

“Teddy’s mad,” said Mr. Nugent, calmly, “stark, staring, raving mad.  Poor Teddy.”

He shook his head sadly, and had just begun to recommend a few remedies when the parlour door opened and the figure of Mr. Kybird, with his wife standing close behind him, appeared in the doorway.

Project Gutenberg
At Sunwich Port, Part 5. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.