Seekers after God eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about Seekers after God.

Seekers after God eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 310 pages of information about Seekers after God.

It was not until mere school-lessons were finished that a boy began seriously to enter upon the studies of eloquence and philosophy, which therefore furnish some analogy to what we should call “a university education.”  Gallio and Mela, Seneca’s elder and younger brothers, devoted themselves heart and soul to the theory and practice of eloquence; Seneca made the rarer and the wiser choice in giving his entire enthusiasm to the study of philosophy.

I say the wiser choice, because eloquence is not a thing for which one can give a receipt as one might give a receipt for making eau-de-Cologne.  Eloquence is the noble, the harmonious, the passionate expression of truths profoundly realized, or of emotions intensely felt.  It is a flame which cannot be kindled by artificial means. Rhetoric may be taught if any one thinks it worth learning; but eloquence is a gift as innate as the genius from which it springs. “Cujus vita fulgur, ejus verba tonitrua”—­“if a man’s life be lightning, his words will be thunders.”  But the kind of oratory to be obtained by a constant practice of declamation such as that which occupied the schools of the Rhetors will be a very artificial lightning and a very imitated thunder—­not the artillery of heaven, but the Chinese fire and rolled bladders of the stage.  Nothing could be more false, more hollow, more pernicious than the perpetual attempt to drill numerous classes of youths into a reproduction of the mere manner of the ancient orators.  An age of unlimited declamation, an age of incessant talk, is a hotbed in which real depth and nobility of feeling runs miserably to seed.  Style is never worse than it is in ages which employ themselves in teaching little else.  Such teaching produces an emptiness of thought concealed under a plethora of words.  This age of countless oratorical masters was emphatically the period of decadence and decay.  There is a hollow ring about it, a falsetto tone in its voice; a fatiguing literary grimace in the manner of its authors.  Even its writers of genius were injured and corrupted by the prevailing mode.  They can say nothing simply; they are always in contortions.  Their very indignation and bitterness of heart, genuine as it is, assumes a theatrical form of expression.[7] They abound in unrealities:  their whole manner is defaced with would-be cleaverness, with antitheses, epigrams, paradoxes, forced expressions, figures and tricks of speech, straining after originality and profundity when they are merely repeating very commonplace remarks.  What else could one expect in an age of salaried declaimers, educated in a false atmosphere of superficial talk, for ever haranguing and perorating about great passions which they had never felt, and great deeds which they would have been the last to imitate?  After perpetually immolating the Tarquins and the Pisistratids in inflated grandiloquence, they would go to lick the dust off a tyrant’s shoes.  How could eloquence survive when the magnanimity and freedom which inspired it were dead, and when the men and books which professed to teach it were filled with despicable directions about the exact position in which the orator was to use his hands, and as to whether it was a good thing or not for him to slap his forehead and disarrange his hair?

Project Gutenberg
Seekers after God from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.