Ancient and Modern Physics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Ancient and Modern Physics.

Ancient and Modern Physics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Ancient and Modern Physics.

“How large do you think the earth is?  You answer promptly, 7,912 miles in diameter.  You are as far out of the way as you were in supposing that our sun could be a centre of gravity of a lot of planets revolving around it and around Alcyone without being a globe of ether.  Now that it has been mentioned, you see very clearly for yourself that it must be a solar globe of ether.  It follows from one of your physical axioms.  When I tell you why the earth is and must be about fifty thousand miles in diameter, you will see that it must be so, and that you knew it all the time, but never stopped to formulate your knowledge.  You have had the knowledge for three centuries without applying it.

“It was in 1609 that your greatest astronomer, John Kepler, announced as one of three harmonic laws by which the universe was governed, that the squares of the times of the planets were proportional to the cubes of their distances from the sun; and that this law was true in physics and everywhere.  No one of your scientists has had the wisdom to study out what it meant, and for three centuries, for 291 years, you have repeated his words like so many parrots, instead of using the key he gave you to unlock the mysteries of the universe.  A corollary of his law is that the planets move in their orbits because they are impelled thereto between the two forces, and move in a mean curve between them; but it was not until 1896 that you discovered that the mean between two forces is always a curve and never a straight line.  You have not a text book in a school today that does not repeat this fundamental and absurd error—­which you have known for three centuries to be an error—­that the motion resulting from a mean between forces is “in a straight line.”  The curves resulting here are not to be measured easily, and are so large that small segments appear straight lines; and it was not until Carpenter demonstrated it mathematically that any one could believe it true.

“There are two great forces in this universe.  Your grandfathers called them Centripetal and Centrifugal forces; your fathers called them Gravity and Apergy, names which still cling to them; and you call them Attraction and Repulsion.

“It was Kepler, not Newton, who discovered that Attraction or Gravity was in inverse proportion to the square of the distance.

“You know the meaning of this mystic phrase, ’as the squares of the distance.’  You understand that it means the attraction at two feet is only one-fourth the attraction at one foot; at four feet only one-sixteenth; at eight feet, only one sixty-fourth.

“But who knows or cares for Kepler’s great law of Repulsion, or Apergy?  That was that the ’square of the times are as the cubes of the distance.’  It has lain fallow for centuries.  No one of your western physicists has ever studied it, or tried to explain it.  It remains just where Kepler left it, as the mere law of orbital revolution of the planets only.

Project Gutenberg
Ancient and Modern Physics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.