Ancient and Modern Physics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Ancient and Modern Physics.

Ancient and Modern Physics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about Ancient and Modern Physics.

“Each atom of prakriti you say has the potentiality of some kind of phenomenon.  We add ‘and of life also.’  The potentialities of life are in every atom of prakriti.  Even the atom of iron may live in the blood.  It cannot become a part of any living organism until its prana is sounding the chord of life in unison with the ether and prakriti—­the threefold silver chord.

“What is the centre of this prana?  It is Alcyone.  There are other solar globes beside ours circling around Alcyone, and we have been considering only our own solar globe of ether.  Alcyone is the centre of the prana in which they revolve as the sun is the centre of our ether in which the planets revolve.  As this prana has a centre around which we revolve with other solar systems, then it must have a center of gravity.

“Then this prana is a globe.

“The prana does not then fill this material universe.  There must be yet another form of matter rarer and finer than prana, from which prana is made, as ether is made from prana and prakriti from ether.  Have we any other class of phenomena to explain, except vital and physical?  Yes, there is a very important class, mental.  And here we have the explanation, if we exercise our reason.

“These pranic globes are floating in an ocean of manasa, matter in its rarest form.

“Each atom of prana is formed from manasa, exactly as ether was formed from prana, and each pranic atom in the universe is the centre of a manasic molecule, having an atmosphere of manasic atoms.

“So we are not exact in giving the prakritic atom three planes or octaves of vibration.  It has four.  You merely surround it with etheric atoms, and this is correct so far as it goes.  You only wish to explain physical problems.  But there are other problems to be explained, problems of life and mind, and the same knowledge you have explains them as well as the others, if you simply avail yourself of it.  That you do not consider the atom as four-fold instead of two-fold is your own fault.  I have not told you anything you did not already know.  I have only asked you to apply your present knowledge of physics to these problems of life and mind, and apply your reasoning powers.

“The chording vibration in an atom of matter of

“The two planes produces Force, or phenomena

“The three planes produces Life—­the silver chord

“The four planes produces Mind—­the golden chord.

“You say there is no gulf between the prakritic and etheric worlds; that it is one continuous world; and all its phenomena are by continuity and not impact.  That is true, but it is not the whole truth.

Project Gutenberg
Ancient and Modern Physics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.