The Story of the Champions of the Round Table eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about The Story of the Champions of the Round Table.

The Story of the Champions of the Round Table eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 443 pages of information about The Story of the Champions of the Round Table.

In that encounter Sir Launcelot carried a spear that was wonderfully strong and tough.  With it he ran with great fierceness into the very thickest of the press, and before he was checked he struck down five knights with that one spear.  And likewise those three knights that were with him did such good service that all that flank of the party of the King of North Wales was thrown into great confusion and wist not what to do for to guard themselves against that fierce, furious onset.

Then Sir Launcelot and his three companions bore back a little, and when they got their distance they ran again into the press, and this time Sir Launcelot overthrew the King of North Wales himself, and that with such violence that the bone of his thigh was broken, and he had to be carried away out of that field by his attendants.  And in this second assault Sir Launcelot and the three knights who were with him overthrew eleven knights besides the King of North Wales, wherefore all that part of the press began to break away from them and to seek some place where they could defend themselves from such another assault.

Now when the party of King Bagdemagus saw into what confusion the other party were thrown by these four knights-champion, they began a very fierce and furious attack, and with such vehemence that in a little the party of the King of North Wales began to bear back before them.  So, what with those who withdrew before Sir Launcelot’s assault, and what with those who withdrew from the assault of King Bagdemagus, there was a great deal of confusion in the ranks of the party of the King of North Wales.

[Sidenote:  Sir Launcelot overthrows Sir Mordred] Now those three knights who were of King Arthur’s court perceived how Sir Launcelot and his knights-companion were throwing the ranks of the party of the King of North Wales into confusion, and they knew that unless the onset of Sir Launcelot was checked, the day would of a surety be lost unto them.  Wherefore said Sir Mador de la Porte:  “Yonder is a very strong and fierce-fighting knight; if we do not check his onset we will very likely be brought to shame in this battle.”  “Yea,” said Sir Mordred, “that is so.  Now I will take it upon me to joust with that knight and to overthrow him.”  Upon that those other two knights bade him go and do as he said.  So Sir Mordred made way to where Sir Launcelot was, coming forward very fiercely and with great violence, and Sir Launcelot was aware of Sir Mordred’s coming and made him ready for that assault.  So the two came together with terrible violence and Sir Launcelot struck Sir Mordred such a buffet that the breast-band of Sir Mordred’s saddle brake, and both the saddle and Sir Mordred flew over his horse’s tail.  Therewith Sir Mordred fell upon his head and struck with such violence upon the ground that his neck was nigh broken, and he lay altogether in a dead swoon and had to be carried out of the lists by his attendants.

Project Gutenberg
The Story of the Champions of the Round Table from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.