Moonfleet eBook

J. Meade Falkner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about Moonfleet.

Moonfleet eBook

J. Meade Falkner
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about Moonfleet.

However, we thought better of it, and did not budge, though I could see when standing up and looking over the tops of the seats that others beside ourselves were ill at ease; for Granny Tucker gave such starts when she heard the sounds, that twice her spectacles fell off her nose into her lap, and Master Ratsey seemed to be trying to mask the one noise by making another himself, whether by shuffling with his feet or by thumping down his prayer-book.  But the thing that most surprised me was that even Elzevir Block, who cared, men said, for neither God nor Devil, looked unquiet, and gave a quick glance at Ratsey every time the sound came.  So we sat till Mr. Glennie was well on with the sermon.  His discourse interested me though I was only a boy, for he likened life to the letter ‘Y’, saying that ’in each man’s life must come a point where two roads part like the arms of a “Y”, and that everyone must choose for himself whether he will follow the broad and sloping path on the left or the steep and narrow path on the right.  For,’ said he, ’if you will look in your books, you will see that the letter “Y” is not like the Mohune’s, with both arms equal, but has the arm on the left broader and more sloping than the arm on the right; hence ancient philosophers hold that this arm on the left represents the easy downward road to destruction, and the arm on the right the narrow upward path of life.’  When we heard that we all fell to searching our prayer-books for a capital ‘Y’; and Granny Tucker, who knew not A from B, made much ado in fumbling with her book, for she would have people think that she could read.  Then just at that moment came a noise from below louder than those before, hollow and grating like the cry of an old man in pain.  With that up jumps Granny Tucker, calling out loud in church to Mr. Glennie—­

’O Master, however can’ee bide there preaching when the Moons be rising from their graves?’ and out from the church.

That was too much for the others, and all fled, Mrs. Vining crying, ‘Lordsakes, we shall all be throttled like Cracky Jones.’

So in a minute there were none left in the church, save and except Mr. Glennie, with me, Ratsey, and Elzevir Block.  I did not run:  first, not wishing to show myself coward before the men; second, because I thought if Blackbeard came he would fall on the men rather than on a boy; and third, that if it came to blows, Block was strong enough to give account even of a Mohune.  Mr. Glennie went on with his sermon, making as though he neither heard any noise nor saw the people leave the church; and when he had finished, Elzevir walked out, but I stopped to see what the minister would say to Ratsey about the noise in the vault.  The sexton helped Mr. Glennie off with his gown, and then seeing me standing by and listening, said—­

’The Lord has sent evil angels among us; ’tis a terrible thing, Master Glennie, to hear the dead men moving under our feet.’

Project Gutenberg
Moonfleet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.