The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: the Wisdom of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: the Wisdom of Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer.
art; or else it was valid only under a special conjunction of circumstances which has now passed away.  There is nothing to prevent those who live on the common labor of their hands from treating their earnings in that way if they like; because their kind of skill is not likely to disappear, or, if it does, it can be replaced by that of their fellow-workmen; morever, the kind of work they do is always in demand; so that what the proverb says is quite true, a useful trade is a mine of gold.  But with artists and professionals of every kind the case is quite different, and that is the reason why they are well paid.  They ought to build up a capital out of their earnings; but they recklessly look upon them as merely interest, and end in ruin.  On the other hand, people who inherit money know, at least, how to distinguish between capital and interest, and most of them try to make their capital secure and not encroach upon it; nay, if they can, they put by at least an eighth of their interests in order to meet future contingencies.  So most of them maintain their position.  These few remarks about capital and interest are not applicable to commercial life, for merchants look upon money only as a means of further gain, just as a workman regards his tools; so even if their capital has been entirely the result of their own efforts, they try to preserve and increase it by using it.  Accordingly, wealth is nowhere so much at home as in the merchant class.

It will generally be found that those who know what it is to have been in need and destitution are very much less afraid of it, and consequently more inclined to extravagance, than those who know poverty only by hearsay.  People who have been born and bred in good circumstances are as a rule much more careful about the future, more economical, in fact, than those who, by a piece of good luck, have suddenly passed from poverty to wealth.  This looks as if poverty were not really such a very wretched thing as it appears from a distance.  The true reason, however, is rather the fact that the man who has been born into a position of wealth comes to look upon it as something without which he could no more live than he could live without air; he guards it as he does his very life; and so he is generally a lover of order, prudent and economical.  But the man who has been born into a poor position looks upon it as the natural one, and if by any chance he comes in for a fortune, he regards it as a superfluity, something to be enjoyed or wasted, because, if it comes to an end, he can get on just as well as before, with one anxiety the less; or, as Shakespeare says in Henry VI.,[1]

        .... the adage must be verified
  That beggars mounted run their horse to death

[Footnote 1:  Part III., Act 1., Sc. 4.]

Project Gutenberg
The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: the Wisdom of Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.