Children of the Frost eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about Children of the Frost.

Children of the Frost eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about Children of the Frost.

“And as I looked on my fine warm clothes, and my blankets and weapons of war, and as I thought of the seven slaves to be slain, I felt proud of my burial and knew that I must be the envy of many men.  And all the while my father, the Otter, sat silent and black.  And all that day and night the people sang my death-song and beat the drums, till it seemed that I had surely died a thousand times.

“But in the morning my father arose and made talk.  He had been a fighting man all his days, he said, as the people knew.  Also the people knew that it were a greater honor to die fighting in battle than on the soft skins by the fire.  And since I was to die anyway, it were well that I should go against the Mukumuks and be slain.  Thus would I attain honor and chieftainship in the final abode of the dead, and thus would honor remain to my father, who was the Otter.  Wherefore he gave command that a war party be made ready to go down the river.  And that when we came upon the Mukumuks I was to go forth alone from my party, giving semblance of battle, and so be slain.”

“Nay, but hear, O White Man!” cried Mutsak, unable longer to contain himself.  “Skolka, the shaman, whispered long that night in the ear of the Otter, and it was his doing that Lone Chief should be sent forth to die.  For the Otter being old, and Lone Chief the last of his sons, Skolka had it in mind to become chief himself over the people.  And when the people had made great noise for a day and a night and Lone Chief was yet alive, Skolka was become afraid that he would not die.  So it was the counsel of Skolka, with fine words of honor and deeds, that spoke through the mouth of the Otter.

“Ay,” replied Lone Chief.  “Well did I know it was the doing of Skolka, but I was unmindful, being very sick.  I had no heart for anger, nor belly for stout words, and I cared little, one way or the other, only I cared to die and have done with it all.  So, O White Man, the war party was made ready.  No tried fighters were there, nor elders, crafty and wise—­naught but five score of young men who had seen little fighting.  And all the village gathered together above the bank of the river to see us depart.  And we departed amid great rejoicing and the singing of my praises.  Even thou, O White Man, wouldst rejoice at sight of a young man going forth to battle, even though doomed to die.

“So we went forth, the five score young men, and Mutsak came also, for he was likewise young and untried.  And by command of my father, the Otter, my canoe was lashed on either side to the canoe of Mutsak and the canoe of Kannakut.  Thus was my strength saved me from the work of the paddles, so that, for all of my sickness, I might make a brave show at the end.  And thus we went down the river.

“Nor will I weary thee with the tale of the journey, which was not long.  And not far above the village of the Mukumuks we came upon two of their fighting men in canoes, that fled at the sight of us.  And then, according to the command of my father, my canoe was cast loose and I was left to drift down all alone.  Also, according to his command, were the young men to see me die, so that they might return and tell the manner of my death.  Upon this, my father, the Otter, and Skolka, the shaman, had been very clear, with stern promises of punishment in case they were not obeyed.

Project Gutenberg
Children of the Frost from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.