The Extant Odes of Pindar eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Extant Odes of Pindar.

The Extant Odes of Pindar eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Extant Odes of Pindar.

For Praxidamas also by his Olympian victory first won olive-wreath from Alpheos for the Aiakidai, and five times been crowned at Isthmos, and at Nemea thrice, he took away thereby the obscurity of Sokleides, who was the eldest of the sons of Agesimachos[4].

For these three-warriors attained unto the topmost height of prowess, of all who essayed the games, and by grace of God to no other house hath the boxing-match given keeping of so many crowns in this inmost place of all Hellas.  I deem that though my speech be of high sound I yet shall hit the mark, as it were an archer shooting from a bow.

Come, Muse, direct thou upon this house a gale of glorious song:  for after that men are vanished away, the minstrel’s story taketh up their noble acts, whereof is no lack to the Bassid clan; old in story is the race and they carry cargo of home-made renown, able to deliver into the Muses’ husbandmen rich matter of song in honour of their lofty deeds.

For at sacred Pytho in like wise did a scion of the same stock overcome, with the thong of the boxer bound about his hand, even Kallias in whom were well-pleased the children of Leto of the golden distaff, and beside Kastaly in the evening his name burnt bright, when the glad sounds of the Graces rose.

Also the Bridge[5] of the untiring sea did honour unto Kreontidas at the triennial sacrifice of bulls by the neighbour states in the holy place of Poseidon; and once did the herb[6] of the lion shadow his brows for a victory won beneath the shadeless primal hills of Phlious.

Wide avenues of glory are there on every side for chroniclers to draw nigh to do honour unto this isle:  for supreme occasion have the children of Aiakos given them by the showing forth of mighty feats.

Over land and beyond the sea is their name flown forth from afar:  even unto the Ethiopians it sprang forth, for that Memnon came not home:  for bitter was the battle that Achilles made against him, having descended from his chariot upon the earth, what time by his fierce spear’s point he slew the son of the bright Morn.

And herein found they of old time a way wherein to drive their car:  and I too follow with my burden of song:  and all men’s minds, they say, are stirred the most by whatsoever wave at the instant rolleth nearest to the mainsheet of the ship.

On willing shoulders bear I this double load, and am come a messenger to proclaim this honour won in the games that men call holy to be the five-and-twentieth that the noble house of Alkimidas hath shown forth:  yet were two wreaths in the Olympian games beside the precinct of Kronion denied to thee, boy, and to Polytimidas, by the fall of the lot[7].

Peer of the dolphin hurrying through the brine—­such would I call Melesias[8] by whom thy hands and strength were guided, as a chariot by the charioteer.

[Footnote 1:  Earth.]

[Footnote 2:  The ancients understood little of the rotation of crops, and often let their fields lie fallow alternate years.]

Project Gutenberg
The Extant Odes of Pindar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.