The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 478 pages of information about The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 478 pages of information about The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09.

Is, dum pariter colloqueremur, interseruit aliquid dictis, per quod tandem nostra inuicem renouabatur antiqua notitia, quam quondam habueramus in Cayr Aegypti apud Melech Mandibron Soldanum, prout supra tetigi in 7. capitulo libri.

Qui cum in me experientiam artis suae excellenter monstrasset, adhortabatur ac praecabatur instanter, vt de hijs quae videram tempore peregrinationis, et itinerationis meae per mundum, aliquid digererem in scriptis ad legendum, et audiendum pro vtilitate.

Sicque tandem illius monitu et adiutorio, compositus est iste tractatus, de quo certe nil scribere proposueram, donec saltem ad partes proprias in Anglia peruenissem. [Sidenote:  Edwardus tertius.] Et credo praemissa circa me, per prouidentiam et gratiam Dei contigisse, quoniam a tempore quo recessi, duo reges nostri Angliae, et Franciae, non cessauerunt inuicem exercere destructiones, depraedationes, insidias, et interfectiones, inter quas, nisi a Domino custoditus, non transissem sine morte, vel mortis periculo, et sine criminum grandi cumulo.  Et ecce nunc egressionis meae anno 33. constitutus in Leodij ciuitate, quae a mari Angliae distat solum per duas diaetas, audio dictas Dominorum inimicitias, per gartiam Dei consopitas:  quapropter et spero, ac propono de reliquo secundum maturiorem aetatem me posse in proprijs, intendere corporis quieti, animaeque saluti.

Hie itaque finis sit scripti, in nomine Patris, et Filij, et spiritus sancti, AMEN.

Explicit itinerarium a terra Angliae, in partes Hierosolimitanas, et in
  vlteriores transmarinas, editum primo in lingua Gallicana, a Domino
  Ioanne Mandeuille milite, suo authore, Anno incarnationis Domini 1355. in
  Ciuitate Leodiensi:  Et Paulo post in eadem ciuitate, translatum in dictam
  formam Latinam.

The English Version.

There ben manye other dyverse contrees and manye other marveyles bezonde, that I have not seen:  wherfore of hem I can not speke propurly, to telle zou the manere of hem.  And also in the contrees where I have ben, ben many dyversitees of manye wondir fulle thinges, mo thanne I make mencioun of.  For it were to longe thing to devyse zou the manere.  And therfore that that I have devised zou of certeyn contrees, that I have spoken of before, I beseche zoure worthi and excellent noblesse, that it suffise to zou at this tyme.  For zif that I devysed zou alle that is bezonde the see, another man peraunter, that wolde peynen him and travaylle his body for to go in to tho marches, for to encerche tho contrees, myghten ben blamed be my wordes, in rehercynge many straunge thynges.  For he myghten not seye no thing of newe, in the whiche the hereres myghten haven outher solace or desport or lust or lykynge in the herynge.  For men seyn alle weys, that newe thynges and newe tydynges ben plesant to here.  Wherfore I wole holde me stille, with outen ony more rehercyng of dyversiteez or of marvaylles, that ben bezonde, to that entent and ende, that who so wil gon in to the contrees, he schalle fynde y nowe to speke of, that I have not touched of in no wyse.

Project Gutenberg
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 09 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.