The War and Democracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about The War and Democracy.

The War and Democracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 414 pages of information about The War and Democracy.

The course of unemployment in this country may be traced from the returns published each month in the Board of Trade Labour Gazette (monthly, 1d.).  Proposals for dealing with possible and existing distress during the war are to be found in a pamphlet on The War and the Workers, by Sidney Webb (Fabian Society, 1d.).  For the possible use of trade unions as a channel for the distribution of public assistance, see an article in The Nation for September 5, 1914, and Mr. G.D.H.  Cole’s article on “How to help the Cotton Operative” in The Nation for November 7, 1914.  The same paper published two suggestive articles on “Relief or Maintenance?” (September 19 and October 3).  The situation which has arisen in the woollen and worsted industries owing to the large demand for cloth for the troops is dealt with in an article on “The Government and Khaki,” by Arthur Greenwood in The Nation for November 28, 1914.  Reference may be made to the official White Paper on Distress; other official documents of note are the following: 

“Separation allowances to the Wives and Children of Seamen,
    Marines, and Reservists.”  Cd. 7619. 1914. 1/2d. 
“Increased Rates of Separation Allowance for the Wives and
    Children of Soldiers.”  Cd. 7255. 1914. 1/2d. 
“Return of Papers relating to the Assistance rendered by the
    Treasury to Banks and Discount Houses since the Outbreak of
    War on August 4, 1914, and to the Questions of the Advisability
    of continuing or ending the Moratorium and of the Nature of
    the Banking Facilities now available.”  H.C. 457 of 1914. 1d. 
“Report, dated April 30, 1914, of a Sub-Committee of the Committee
    of Imperial Defence on the Insurance of British Shipping in
    Time of War, to devise a scheme to ensure that, in case of war,
    British Steamships should not be generally laid up, and that
    Oversea Commerce should not be interrupted by reason of
    inability to cover war risks of Ships and Cargoes by Insurance,
    and which would also secure that the insurance rates should not
    be so high as to cause an excessive rise in prices.”  Cd. 7560.
    1914. 2 1/2d.

The Government has issued a Manual of Emergency Legislation (3s. 6d.) containing the statutes, proclamations, orders in council, rules, regulations, and notifications used in consequence of the war; the appendices contain other documents (the Declarations of Paris and of London, the Hague Convention, etc.).



“Peace cannot become a law of human society, except by passing through the struggle which will ground life and association on foundations of justice and liberty, on the wreck of every power which exists not for a principle but for a dynastic interest.”—­MAZZINI in 1867.

Project Gutenberg
The War and Democracy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.