A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.

A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.

Foot-man, sb. foot-soldier, MD, HD; fotman, MD; votmen, pl., S2.

Foot-stappe, sb. footstep, Prompt.; fetsteppes, pl., S.

For-, prefix (1), having generally the sense of ‘loss’ or ‘destruction.’  Often it is merely intensitive, though generally in a bad sense.—­AS. for-, Icel. for-, fyrir-, OHG. for-(Tatian), fir-(Otfrid), G. ver-, Goth, fra-, fair-.

For-, prefix (2), for, in the place of; see For (prep.).

For-, prefix (3), standing for AS. fore, before; see Fore.

For-, prefix (4), standing for OF, for-; Lat. foris, outside; cp.  F. hors, from Lat, foras.

For, prep, for, by, for fear of, in spite of, in the place of, for the sake of, S, S2, PP; forr, S; fore, S, PP; uor, S.

For, conj. because, in order that, whether, S, S3, PP. Comb.:  for outen, without, besides, S2, B; for owtyn, JD; for out, B; for te, for to, in order to, S, PP; vor te, S, S2; for to, PP; vor to, S2; for A3/4an A3/4e, because that, S; for-A3/4on, S; vorA3/4an, therefore, S; for A3/4at A3/4e, because that, S; for A3/4et, for that reason, S; for A3/4i for that cause, S, S2, PP; uorA deg.i, S; for-A3/4e, S; for-A3/4y, S2, PP; forr-A3/4i, because, S; for till, for to,S3; for-whi, wherefore, S2, PP; because, S3; for-quhy, S3; for-why, C3, PP.

For, adv. far, S; see Fer.

For, pt. s. fared, S, S2;. see Faren.

Forage, sb. forage, food, C2.—­OF. forrage, from forre; Low Lat. fodrum, from a Teutonic source, cp.  AS. fA cubeddor.  See Fodder.

Forager, sb. forager, messenger, PP.  Cf. Forrayour.

For-arnen, v. to cause to run about, to ride about; uorarnd, pt. s., S2.—­Cp.  AS. A|rnan (v. tr.), pt. A|rnde, pp. A|rned. (For-I.)

For-bathde, pp. pl. bathed deep, S3. (For-I.)

For-beden, v. to forbid, S, Prompt., S2, PP; forbeode, PP; forbet, pr. s., S; forbed, S; forbadde, pt. s., PP; forbad, MD; uorbed, S2; fforbode, pl., MD; forbude, subj., S; forboden, pp., H, S3, P; forbode, S, PP; forbedun, W.—­AS, for-bA(C)odan, pt.-bA(C)ad(pl.-budon), pp. _-boden_. (For-I.)

For-beren, v. to forbear, S, C, PP; uorberen, S; forbar, pt. s., PP; forbare, P; forbaren, pl., S; forbore, pp., MD.—­AS. for-beran, pt. _-bA|r_ (pl.-_-bA|*ron)_,pp. _-boren_. (For-I.)

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A Concise Dictionary of Middle English from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.