A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.

A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 648 pages of information about A Concise Dictionary of Middle English.

Flotering, sb. restless motion, W2.

Flour, sb. flower, C2, C3; flur, S; floures, pl., youthful powers, S2.—­AF. flur; Lat. florem.

Flour-dammes, sb. ladies’ flower, perhaps Dame’s violet or Dame-wort, Hesperis matronalis (Britten’s Plant-names); Mr. Small suggests ‘damask rose,’ S3.

Floure-de-lice, sb. fleur-de-lys, S2; flour-de-lyss, S3; flour-de-lycis, pl., S3.—­OF. flor de lis (Bartsch, 193. 2).

Flouren, v. to flower, flourish, PP, C2, W2.—­OF. florir.—­Cf. Florischen.

Flowe, Flowen; see Fleen.

Flowen, v. to flow, S, PP; flowe, to abound, W2; flohA3/4, pr. s., S; flo3*ed, pt. s., S2.—­AS. flA cubedwan, pt. flA(C)ow, pp. flA cubedwen.

Flowing, sb. flood, W2.

Flowte, sb. pipe, cambucus, Prompt.; floyte, MD.—­OF. flaute, It. flauto.

Flowten, v. to blow on a wind instrument, MD; flowtyn, calamiso, flo, Prompt.; floytynge, pr. p., C.—­OF. flAuter; Late Lat. *_flatuare_ from Lat. flatus; see Constans.

Flowtour, sb., fluter, piper, CM.

Flum, sb. river, MD; flow, flood, JD. Comb.:  Flum Jurdan, river Jordan, MD; flum iurdon, S; flom Jordan, MD, W; fleme Jordon, MD.—­OF. flum; Lat. flumen (cp.  Vulg., Mk.  I. 5).

Flye, sb. fly, C3, PP; fli3*e, MD; fle3*e, MD; fle, S3.—­AS. flA(C)oge (flA1/2ge).  See Fleen.

Flytten, v. tr. and intr. to remove, to depart, MD, S3, PP; flutten, MD; flitten, MD, PP; flute, imp. s., S; vlutten, to subsist, support oneself, S.—­Icel. flytja, to carry, remove, support, flytjask (reflex.), to remove oneself, to flit, also, to support oneself.

Fnast, sb. breath, S.—­AS. fnA|st.

Fnasten, v. to breathe, to breathe hard, MD, S, HD.—­Cp.  OHG. fnastA cubedn, ‘an-helare.’

Fnesen, v. to breathe hard, to sneeze; fneseth, pr. s., puffs, snorts, C3.—­AS. fnA(C)osan.

Fnesynge, sb. snorting, Voc.; fnesynge (= Lat. sternutatio), W2 (Job 41. 9).—­AS. fnA(C)osung (Voc.).

Fo, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Foa3*e, adj. spotted, S; see Foh.

Fodder, sb. food for cattle, MD; foddre, dat., S.—­AS. fA cubeddor, foddor.

Fode, sb. food, S, S2, MD; uode, S; food, MD; fude, MD.—­AS. fA cubedda.

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A Concise Dictionary of Middle English from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.