Supply and Demand eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about Supply and Demand.

Supply and Demand eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about Supply and Demand.

Perhaps the point will be made clearer if we turn from the selling prices of commercial products, in regard to which there is a strong and not ineffective public sentiment against “profiteering,” to the remuneration of different classes of labor.  With an instinctive disposition towards megalomania, it is often claimed in Great Britain that the miners, being a very numerous and well-organized body of workpeople, were in a stronger strategic position than most workpeople for exacting the remuneration they desire.  It is quite true that a stoppage of work in the coal industry causes us a high degree of inconvenience, and temporary concessions may thereby be obtained which might otherwise have been refused.  But this is a dubious advantage, and we grossly exaggerate its real importance.  The truth is that the strategic position of the miners in regard to wages questions is by no means strong.  For their wages constitute a very large percentage of the cost of coal; and the price of coal in its turn is a most important element in the costs of many of the industries which are its principal consumers.  Great Britain, moreover, is far from possessing a monopoly of coal.  If, accordingly, the wages of the miners are temporarily pushed up to a high point, the result will certainly be a diminished demand for British coal, which will lead before long to their fighting a losing battle to maintain the concessions they have won.  Contrast their position with that of the steel smelters, whose wages (high though the wage rates are) constitute a very small percentage of the costs of steel production, and we must agree I think that we have in this distinction the main reason why the steel smelters, though they hardly ever go on strike, have as a rule been able to do so much better for themselves than the miners.

When a commodity or service is such that an appreciable alteration in its price has only a slight effect upon the quantity demanded, the demand is said to be inelastic.  Conversely, when a small change in price greatly alters the quantity demanded, we call the demand elastic.  In the former case, it is worth nothing, a larger aggregate sum of money will be spent upon the thing when its price is high than when it is low, while the opposite is true in the latter case.  This distinction is of considerable importance in connection with many problems (e.g. of taxation); and the terms, elastic demand and inelastic demand, are worth remembering.  We may thus express the above conclusions by saying that the demand for sewing-cotton is highly inelastic, and that the demand for coal miners is more elastic than that for steel smelters.

Project Gutenberg
Supply and Demand from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.